New York

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   Everyone wakes up from their naps around the same time. The plane lands shortly after. Once they're off the plane and through baggage claim, they end up outside, searching for a taxi. It's about a 20 minute ride to their apartment complex.

They arrive then get their keys and have everything settled with the landlord.

A few floors up they drop their things inside on the living room floor. They check and see that the truck with their furniture will arrive soon. In the meantime they plan on shopping for anything they need.

"I found a place that's walking distance." Alex says.

Jeremy pauses his inspection of the kitchen that's connected to the living room, "Perfect. Let's go."

They quickly find themselves on the bustling city streets. Jeremy points things out, excitedly talking to Alex about everything. Jean takes in the busy people going every which way.

Inside the store, Alex leads them towards the bedroom section. He spots the bed frames and they throw three in their cart.

"Sheets anyone? I need some new ones." Jeremy looks at the kinds that are displayed.

He grabs a set with a matching pillowcase, "Pillows!? Do we need pillows?" He turns to the two men standing at their cart.

"Throw pillows for our couch?" Alex asks as he walks around to the next aisle, full of pillows.

"Yes. Let's get some." Jeremy beams. Jean pushes the cart and follows behind them.

After getting grey pillows to match their couch and Jeremy getting a new pillow for his bed, they stroll into the kitchen area. There they grab dishes, cups, utensils, and things for cooking.

Approaching the registers there's shelves with a little of everything. Bathroom products, soap, and all kinds of small decorations. They grab lamps, one for each room. They get towels for the bathroom, and small towels for the kitchen. Then they check out.

They walk back with their bags in hand and Alex navigates on his phone.

At the apartment they finish stocking the kitchen and bathroom right before their furniture arrives. Workers bring up the table and couch. They place the mattresses and boxsprings in the rooms.

The three adjust the living room furniture to how they like.

Jeremy places a lamp down and plugs it in, "Onto the bedrooms."

"So this is the bigger room." Jeremy stops at the first one on the right across from the bathroom, "Anyone want it? Can I have it?"

"You take it." Jean nods.

"Yeah, you have it." Alex pats his shoulder.

Jeremy smiles and goes inside with his luggage.

The two go further down the hall to the next room on the right.

"It's the same as the one across." Jean mentions as he walks to the mattress with his suitcase in hand.

"Yeah. Um, Jean?"

"Yes?" He turns to face Alex.

"I was wondering. Could we... share a bedroom? Since I'm used to it and all."

"Okay. Sure." Jean nods.

"And... could we share a bed? Instead of setting up another bed and everything." He nervously asks.

"Yeah. That's fine."

"Okay." Alex breaks into a smile. He rushes out to get his things. He grabs everything else needed for the room.

When he returns Jean shakes his head at him.

"What?" Alex tilts his head and stops what he's doing.

"Come here." Jean's glad he won't be alone in a room, sleeping by himself, after all. He grabs Alex's hands and pulls him in.

"Hi." Alex whispers.

"Hi." Jean slowly presses his lips to Alex's.


After Jeremy is done in his room, he stands out in the living room to admire their place. Jean and Alex finish soon after and join him.

"Hey." Jeremy happily plops onto the couch, "Done?"

"Yeah." Alex sits next to him, "We're actually sharing a room."

"You are? Hmm. Then we have an extra room for whatever."

Jean meets his eyes and simply nods agreeingly before sitting on the other side of him.

"What should we do for dinner?"

"Takeout?" Alex suggests from Jeremy's right.

"Sounds good. Let's look at places nearby."


After they get their food and eat on the chairs at their kitchen island, they decide to turn in for the night. They take turns in the bathroom getting ready for bed.

Alex shuts the bedroom door and turns off the light before joining Jean in bed. He gets under the covers. He turns on his side and Jean wraps an arm around his waist.

"Sweet dreams." Alex yawns.

"Night." Jean squeezes him close before falling asleep.


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