Chapter 23

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Recommended playlist for this chapter:

Cinnamon Girl - Lana del Rey

Freak - Lana del Rey

Everyday - A$AP Rocky, ft. Miguel

Needed Me - Rihanna


   In their apartment, they get used to doing laundry on weekends. The three of them go to the laundry room and fill up the machines while Kevin does his after everyone has put away their cleaned clothes. When shopping on the weekends, Kevin tags along. He goes off on his own to buy foods that he says are healthiest.

   As almost a month passes Jean gets more comfortable living with his... friend. Throughout this time Jean and Alex have to, quietly, please each other in their room. Making sure either Kevin isn't home or that he's asleep. Jeremy will get moments with them too whenever Kevin's out.

   Kevin has looked at apartments in the past month. But as much as he doesn't want to admit it, he likes the situation now. It's not like he can find anyone else to room with in an apartment anyway. So why not stay with the roommates and apartment he has now. On the other hand, the one month has ended and he doesn't want to burden Jean by staying too long.

But he is paying, he's lowering the amount of money they all chime in. He doesn't see the downside to him staying. He makes note to ask Jeremy if it'd really be okay to stay like he said. He knows Jean wasn't too against it, saying it's a last resort option if looking for places doesn't work out.


Alex is on the phone with Nicky, "I wanna visit you."

"You know, Wymack is trying to get Kevin to come up."

"Really? Soon?"

"Yeah. We'll all busy for Christmas, and Wymack wants Kev to stay with you guys for those holidays. You should ask what his plans are."

"Right, if he's planning to go visit soon." Alex chews his nails as he thinks.

"Ask when he's coming, and let me know."

"I will. Bye!" He hangs up and runs out to where everyone is in the kitchen.

Alex walks up to them. "Kev, are you gonna visit your Dad anytime soon?"

"Yeah, actually, why? How'd you know?" His forehead creases in question.

"Nicky mentioned it... and I wanna go to PSU too. To see Neil and Nicky. We could plan a trip soon."

Jeremy chimes in, smiling at Kevin. "You have to go see your Dad!" He wants him to see his family, he knows it'd be good for him.

"I am. I talked with him."

"Good! Definitely make this a trip." Jeremy looks at Alex now.

"Yeah, since I'm not going for 'winter break' I still wanna go sometime this year." Alex tells them all.

"It doesn't have to be a special time or holiday, right?" Jean joins in, now leaning against the counter next to Jeremy.

"I know."

"My Dad's insisting I come. How about before Thanksgiving and everything?" Kevin turns to Alex on his right side.

"Okay. I'm gonna go talk to Nicky, and you tell your Dad." Alex steps aside to call Nicky from his room.

He answers the call right away. "You're back."

"So, we're definitely coming before Thanksgiving. We'll have to pick our flights, and I'll text you when we do."

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