Chapter 1 A Tomato Infestation

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Hi, my name is Beatrice Prior. But people call me Tris Prior. I am the daughter of the Beta in our Pack. In one day, I'm turning 17. Unfortunately, I haven't found my mate yet. I wish I did, but I haven't. Also, I haven't shifted, which sucks.

Our pack is called the Abnegation Gray Moon Pack. The Alpha is Marcus Eaton. Rumor has it his 19 year old son moved to the Dauntless Pack. But one rumor was true. That his mate, Evelyn, rejected him after a really bad experience. They say that she died and or disappeared.

Whenever somebody, in all the packs, turn 17, they have a chance to switch packs forever. So you have to be wise. You are aloud to stay in the same pack, also. I get to choose soon.

My brother, Caleb, is like the dream Alpha for our pack. Good at training, fighting, and he has the smarts. I'm just a weakling, a stiff or bitch, as some people call me. Well, a lot of people call me. I sometimes get bullied, mentally or physically, but my parents help me through it. Caleb helps me at school, but not at home. He would rather hang out with his friends Uriah, Zeke, Four(Marcus's Son), Will, and Al. Some of them are from other packs, but we all go to the same school, Chicago High. My friends include Cristina, Lynn, Shauna, and Susan who is Caleb's mate.

Right now, I'm waiting for them to get here.

"HEY GURL!!!!" Christina and the girls come barreling through the door to my bedroom on the three story house. "What up?!" She yells and plops onto the bed making me drop my book called 'The Fault In Our Stars'.

"Really?" I look at her dumbfounded.

"Yeah. Now get up! We are going to partay!!" Christina yells getting up from the bed and shaking her hips.

"I have the perfect outfits for you all." Christina then pulls out 5 fabulous outfits from 5 separate bags that she brought. Of course I would never say that her outfits are fabulous. Then she would go on a happy cycle, plus I don't want to owe Susan $30.

When Christina pulled them out, my jaw went slack. The dresses were, amazing, but they were also cut out and or sheer. My brother will freak when he sees me. But not for Susan.

Butt nuggets.

"There is no way, that I'm wearing that." I grab the dress that I'm supposed to be wearing tonight. Damn, it's hot, but so...see through!

"Please!!" Christina begs,"Just for tonight?" She is actually on her hands and knees begging me.

"Mmmmmm, fine." I stammer. She giddily gets up and sends me off into the bathroom. I am so not mentally prepared for this, or physically.

Once everyone has their dresses on, which by the way look speechless on us, we descend our way down the staircase in our house. As we get closer to the living room, I slowly realize that Caleb has his gang of friends over. Skittles, I can't Caleb see me like this! He will go nuts! Mostly be drooling over Susan.

"Hey si-" Caleb's mouth is hanging be a thread when he takes a good look at us.

"Hey Lynn. Looking good!" Uriah says winking at her, which Lynn just throws him off her shoulder. He sits back down with a confused face. Lynn has a smirk on her face including a blush.

"What are you wearing Tris? More likely, what are you not wearing?" Caleb stalks up to me and wraps a blanket around me.

"Would you stop that?!" I punch at him. He chuckles in response then sits back down. I chuck the blanket at his face which results in him falling on his face.

"Hey Will, stop drooling. " I mention to Will, he turns a bright shade of pink.

"Where's Four?" I ask.

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