Chapter 19 Round 2 Of Beatdown

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"Luna, as you were passed out, I took an X-ray just incase of any rib fracture and noticed something...odd." Dr Riley says pulling out pictures of my X-ray.

"What is it?" I beckon. Tobias seems tense and I feel tense.

"It seems that your collarbone has healed." My mouth drops and Tobias stands up. He undies the wrap on my shoulder, carefully but quickly, and his eyes grow wide. I look down at my collarbone the best I can. Now it's my turn to be shocked.

"It-it's not swollen." I stutter. She nods and writes something down.

"Yes, also, the metal is gone. It must have disabled if that has happened." I'm in complete shock at the moment and Tobias's hand in my shoulder snaps me out of my trance.

"You are all free to go. I just need the Alpha to sign something and you can be off." He nods and I get out of the medical bed. Tobias hands me a stack of clothes and Layla leads me to the bathroom down the hall apparently.

As we walk down the corridor, I trip on something that she dropped and I pick it up. I look at it and it's a note.

Have the Luna delivered to them as soon as you are alone with her. Then go L💧💧💧💧


Ugh, the rest was soaked in, what smells like... Coffee? Nurse Layla seems to noticed I have stopped. She sees the note in my hand and her eyes are full of panic. She grabs the note in my hand and stuff it in one of her pockets on her shirt. Her face calm down and regret fills her eyes. She bows her head.

"Forgive me Luna. That was just something private I promise not to share. " I nod in understanding and start to walk in the other direction.

"Uh, where are you going?" She asks following me.

"To the bathroom. And as your Luna, I command you to leave me alone and go outside." I command her and I feel powerful for a little bit. I smirk and she does what I say. I head down the the bathroom and change into Tobias's are shirt, black sweatshirt, and a pair of shorts that are his. I giggle at how over protective he is. It's kinda sweet, oh who am I kidding. It's sexy... stupid mate bond, making me feel things.

I walk out of the bathroom to see Tobias looking down at me with worry, and anger filled in his eyes

"Where were you?" He growls at me. I glare at him but he doesn't back down.

"I was changing you imbecile. Calm down would you?" I mumble the last part. Of course he heard me so I was slammed against the wall with my hands pinned up above my head and his eyes a pairing gold. Oh no, not now.

There is one thing that nobody knows about me. I can be a very, and I mean very sassy and bossy person when ever I want to be. It's not a common trait, but I use it whenever I need.

I growl back and I feel my eyes flash an icy blue and Tobias looked shocked. Unfortunately he recovers and he slams his lips onto mine.

I melt at his touch instantly and wrap my legs around his waist . He has one hand on my butt and the other tangled in my blonde locks. He bites my bottom lip asking for entrance but I deny it. He growls in response and pinches me. I gasp and he takes no time to slide his tongue in mouth.  I break apart and growl. He looks shocked and he puts me down.

"You can not just say 'Where were you?' all alpha like and not expect me to explode. You do not, and I repeat, DO NOT, get to speak to me that way because I am your equal. Do you understand?" I ask scary calmly. My family knows whenever I speak in a scary calm voice, I'm pissed beyond compare, and not to mess with me.

"Yeah, I'm sorry queeny. I shouldn't have growled at you like that. Please forgive me." He begs with puppy dog eyes. Ugh, he knows that's my only weakness for him. I roll my eyes and ruffle his hair. He leans in for a kiss but I turn my head so he kisses my cheek. He growls playfully and I laugh.

We walk down the hall with the note on my mind but my thoughts get interrupted with the sound of high pitched squealing.

"Oh no. Seriously? Now?" I whine out loud. Tobias seems to know who it is and groans pulling me closer to her side. We continue walking, Tobias limping a bit from a half numb leg, until I'm torn away form his side.

Long, sharp, pink, nails dig into my skin and pulls me backward out of Tobias's grip. I whimper out in pain from feeling the nails pierce my skin.

I look up and growl at the evil spawn of the cake monster herself.

Lauren the B to the I to the TCH.

Tobias looks like he is houng to murder something or someone. *Cough* LAUREN *Cough*.

"Aaaand I'm on the floor." I groan out loud as she laughs. Tobias's eyes grow half gold and I can tell it's getting hard to control his wolf. She walks over to Tobias and I growl. He turns to me and slaps me. I'm knocked to the ground, my face in the floor. I raise a hand to my face and my cheek is still stinging from the impact.

Suddenly Lauren is pushed against the wall with Tobias's claws at her throat. She is suspended about one foot in the air and she is trying to pry his claws out of her now bleeding neck.

"DONT YOU DARE DISRESPECT YOUR FUTURE LUNA AGAIN!!! If I see or hear that you disrespected her again, I will not hesitate to kill you. Nothing will be able to change that. NURSE!!!" He drops Lauren and picks me up bridal style burying me in his chest and takin in my scent.

He walks out of the hospital with me in my arms and places me in the passenger seat and he gets in the driver seat. We take of to the mansion and I lay back in the chair.

"Are you ok?" I ask him breaking the tense silence. He continues driving with hand and the other in at his side. His back is constricted together and I place a hand on his shoulder. He visually relaxes then he steps n the brake. He takes out the key and unbuckles me. I raise my eyebrows in confusion as he lifts me out of my seat and into his lap. He grabs the buckles and pulls it down over us and I gulp but relax soon after I take a deep breathe. He places one hand on my thigh and runs circles on it and the other driving. I snuggle closer to his chest, wrapping two arms around his waist.

"Tobias? I ask yawning earning a slight smile from him.

"Yes queeny?" He responded moving his hand to my stomach trapping me against him like I'll disappear,not that I don't mind.

"Doesn't it hurt to drive? I mean, you can even walk properly because of your stomach injury. He growls lowly and his grip becomes slightly tighter. I let out about her yawn and he squishes my head with his hand to his chest telling me to sleep. I close my eyes and another tired yawn escapes me.

"A little bit queeny. But as long as I'm with you, I'm ok." He focuses on the road but occasionally steals a couple glances. I squeeze his chest, like a pillow, and slowly let the blessed darkness known too people as sleep, take me.

But right before I slip into sleep, I hear Tobias whisper,

"My god queeny. I think I'm falling for ya. It's doing things to me that is bugging me, but I like it. Thanks queeny."

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