Chapter 25 My Scary Boyfriend

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"Beta Zeke had traces of it but that was just a random liquid. Lap though Delta Uriah is Divergent and people would kill for it." Doctor Tori announced. My eyes grew wide and suddenly it became harder to breathe.

People will kill me for the stuff that is in me?

My chest breathing becomes quick and shallow and I place a hand over my heaving chest. Tobias places a hand on my arm and I look at his eyes.

Pain filled blue eyes. He says something but I can't hear. Fortunately I can read lips. Tris. Honey. Please Calm Down. I read off of his concerned lips. I shut my eyes and count to ten while taking deep breathes. I open my eyes again, calm and collected and Tori hands me a clipboard with papers.

"I just need you to sign this so I can become your doctor. Because Riley was the old doctor for you, wherever the hell she is, I need you sign me over to be you doctor." I grab the clipboard and signed the sheets. Then I remember Layla and the note with Riley's signature. We part with Tori and then Tobias pulls me down so we are both laying down on the bed.

"Tobias?" I ask letting a sigh out wondering how I'm going to tell him.

"Yes queeny?" He uses my nickname pulling me closer until I'm laying sideways against him with one hand slung across his chest.

"I think I know what happened to Riley and Layla." I announce and he sits up.

"What? Why didn't you tell me?!" He shouts at me. He is in deep shit.

"You do not yell at me mister. I am the Luna of this pack and your mate. You don't get to disrespect me like that EVER! I am your equal and if ever think so, you are going to be sleeping outside in a rose bush!! Do you understand me Tobias Eaton?! Don't you ever. Yell at me." He looks like he is about to fall from fear and poop his pants. Good.

He falls to his knees and hugs my small but ferocious and angry figure. He nods in understanding and buries his head in my tummy.

"I understand. Please don't let me sleep in the rose bush!! Lynne Shauna made me do it when I slapped Uriah and Zeke when I found out that they destroyed and expanded the house behind the fridge." I shake my head and my body rings with laughter.

"Alright but I'm serious. Now, I've been trying to decide how to tell you." He nods and pulls me to the bed in our position we were before.

"So, where do I begin. Oh! I know." I get comfy but laying my body across his stomach and he laughs. My arms lay underneath my head and I start.

"It was when I was in the hospital, towards the beginning, when I said I had to go the bathroom and Layla showed me where. Well, I bumped into her and I noticed a yellow note fall out of her pocket. It unfolded and she didn't notice so I picked it up. It said something like 'Once you get the Luna alone, bring her to me so I can deliver her.' and then she grabbed it back until you found me." I look behind my shoulder taking in that Tobias had a pillow in his mouth and his eyes are gold meaning that Axe is out.

He grabs me and lays me underneath him completely squishing me. He growls and wraps his arms around me and lifts me up to his chest.

"You are mine!!! Whoever tries to take you will die and I will make sure of that." I laugh at Axe's possessiveness. I place a hand on his cheek and kiss his nose. The gold fades a bit but it is still very much there.

"Yes. I'm yours my scary boyfriend. You will scare off all the competition." He growls in satisfaction.

"Competition?! The only competition is between me and Axe based on who cares about you more! Scary boyfriend. Has a nice ring to it." Axe grins showing his canine teeth. I laugh and kiss his face all except his mouth until Axe allows Tobias to come back.

"Ugh queeny, you'll be the death of me I swear." Tobias groans and I finally kiss him on the lips. I smile into it and then we eventually break apart. I feel sleep trying to wash over me and I yawn.

"Getting tired darling?" He asks raising an eyebrow and smirking. I bob my head and look to the clock.

"Hey... I missed dinner, but I'm tired... Can I go to bed Toby?" I ask him giving him a nickname. He smiles sweetly and plant a kiss on my forehead before I drift to sleep.

My scary boyfriend of a mate. My Toby. Our Tobias.

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