Chapter 2 Speech Of Endless Torture

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"HAPPY BIRTHDAY TRIS!" I see all my friends, Caleb's friends and my family in my room fully dressed. Of course, Four is missing. When is he ever somewhere? I realized that I've never seen him before. That is weird like Laffy Taffy.

"UGH!" I scream in frustration and slam a pillow on my face which earns a few laughs.

"Why is it so early?!" I yell at the crowd for the second time. Christina chucks a big fun hat at me.

"What the actual brownie fudge?" I turn over the hat and I read 'HAPPY BIRTHDAY' in big colorful letters. The entire hat was rainbow with candle on top and everything.

"It's not early. It's Saturday, and it's 1:00 in the AFTERNOON." I give her a get the fudge out of my room look but Christina starts to jump on my bed.

"Get up, get up, get up!!! The choosing ceremony is at 5 pm and we only have four hours!" Shauna and Lynn shoo everybody out of the room, but Susan goes with Caleb because she is in the Erudite Pack and 18 years old.

"Btw, you are going to wear this hat for the rest of the day, but not during the ceremony." Lynn finalized also plopping down with Shauna.

"So get up and moving lady! Once we choose, we can shift!!" Christina is like a nuke bomb wrapped in glittery pink sparkles and tied with a black sequenced bow. It sometimes scares me like a world without skittles.

I eventually get up after all of them trying to get my out of bed. Key word tried. It took them and hour. Christina tosses me a gray leather jacket, white shirt, gray skinny jeans with gold spikes on the outline of pockets, black converse, and a pony tail. Christina, Lynn, and Shauna were already out the door by the time I was done changing.

They left a note that said,
"Remember, were going black."

A little later, we are gathered in a big stadium, separated by packs. I sit with my parents, Natalie and Andrew. Caleb is part of the Erudite Pack. He doesn't live with us, but visits a lot. I wave to him giving a smile. He just glares at me. What the skittles?

The Luna of the Erudite Pack, Jeanine Mathews, steps up to a podium and begins her speech of endless torture AKA boredom.

"Hello fellow wolfs. Today is another year of celebration for our teenagers to choose where they will go for the rest of their lives." The room applauses, not with much enthusiasm might I add.

"So how this works, the Alpha, Beta, and Gamma of each pack will come up here, one pack at a time. If you want to join, then you would stand up and get in a line in front of the Alpha first. Second, we would hand you a knife and then shake hands with the leaders devoting your loyalty to then and the pack. If you choose to sTay in your old pack, you still have to do it." a couple laugh at the Luna's joke.

"First is Candor White Black Pack." The Alpha, Jack smiles proudly and winks at some girls in the crowd. Ew. Almost everyone for that pack stands up except Christina and Lynn.
(I'm just gonna pretend that Lynn is in Candor with Christina.) After 30 minutes of swearing in, we are down to the last 2 packs. Dauntless Black Blood and Abnegation Gray Moon.

"Next up is Dauntless Black Blood Pack." Jeannine says. Christina, Shauna, Lynn and I all stand up along with everyone from the Dauntless Black Blood Pack. Since my seet was closest to wear the leaders were standing, I was the first one.

I was shocked at what I saw. Zeke was the Beta of the Dauntless Black Blood Pack. I was handed a brand new blade and so was the Alpha, Zeke and the Gamma. Uriah had a smile plastered in his face.

I cut my hand, the metal digging into my hand. I wince back first but then the pain subsides. I look at the Alpha, Zeke, Gamma, and Uriah noticing that they are all done.

"Name?" The Alpha asks with a cold expression.

"Be-" I hesitate. Do I want him to know my actual name?

"Is that a hard one? You can pick a better one of you want. Just make it good." He said.

"Tris Prior." I exclaim confidently. The Alpha grabs my hand and shakes it.

"Welcome to Pack Dauntless Black Blood Tris." I shake my hand with Zeke, and the Gamma.

I sit back down in the my now new pack area. A couple minutes later, Christina, Shauna, and Lynn join me. Uriah comes running behind Lynn having a finger I front of his mouth showing us to be quiet.

"BOO!" Uriah yells and Lynn screams like a little pup. That results in me and the girls laughing our stomachs out. Lynn is has her knees pulled to her chest rocking back and forth in her seat, Uriah comforting her. When she is calm, as well as we are done laughing, she begins to beat Uriah with the pillow provided as a cushion.

"Ow ow OW! How can she make a pillow hurt?!" Uriah says in between slaps to the bicep and head provided by Lynn.

"Because I'm strong. So you better watch out." Lynn says slowly. Uriah gulps and returns to sit with Zeke and the Alpha who I still have no clue who that is. He looks familiar, like I've met him before. Oh well.

Finally after another 10 minutes, we
are allowed to leave. The leader gather us on top of the railroad track, which was one heck of a climb.

"Ok pansycakes. We have a little extra ritual that everyone has to preform. If you don't," The Alpha scans the crowd, "you are kicked out of this pack and forced to become a rouge." The begins to stir and then the commotion begins. People start yelling things like 'Why weren't we told of this?' and some other rude things that involve intense cursing.

"Why wasn't we informed of this!?" Someone from the back of the crowd yelled.

"Well, you wouldn't have joined our pack would you now?" Zeke says. No one responded. "Thought so." The three leaders all go on the edge of the track. A train comes barreling towards them. I lean toward them, my nurturing side taking over my body, making me feel nervous for them.

As the train begins to pass, each of them starts running and pulls them selves into the train. People instantly begin running. I run myself. I trip a couple times which leaves me to be the last person on the side tracks. Then I spot it.

The last car door was wide open. The last door, was the only door that was open. It was slowly getting away from me every second. I sprint as hard and faster than ever before. The handle was a few inches away.

10 inches.
My legs begin aching

8 inches
My arms start to go limp.

6 inches.
My head begins to pound out of my skull.

4 inches.
My lungs set ablaze.

2 inches.
The end of the side track is a few yards away.

1 inch.
I jump for it. I use the last of my leg muscle and propel myself towards the handle and into the car. My foot trips on the last second...

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