Chapter 11 Cake Monster

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All o could feel was coldness. I tried walking to Kyra but she wasn't answering. I knew she was there, but she was ignoring me.

My eyes fly open and I take a deep breathe. I'm in Four's room, and in his bed. His scent is everywhere and I love it. I grab the sheets and snuggle as close as I can. The door nob giggles and I smash my head, and close my eyes, in the pillow pretending I'm asleep.

The bed dips and arms wrap around my waist. I can tell its Four because little shocks are scent through me. I snuggle closer to him, if that was even possible, and he sighs and sniffs my hair. My body turns around so I can face him. I wrap my tiny arms around his waist and lean into his muscular chest.

"Having fun there?" He asks while playing with my hair. I swear, when ever someone plays with my hair I want to go to sleep.

"Hmm?" I ask looking at him and that smirk plastered on his face.

"Nothing." I nod my head and lean against Four again. He sighs and gets out of bed. My body feels cold and empty and so I sit up.

Four walks into the bathroom and returns with a warm wet towel. He grabs my hand and pleasure shoots through me. He applies the towel to my wrists oolong at the cuts and bruises. I look at his eyes and they are tinted with red. His jaw has a big purple and blue bruise on the left side. My hand reaches out and strokes it. He tenses up and my hand continues to the side. Another bruise! Can this man be careful?

"Your face." I saw returning to his jaw. He pulls my hand away from his face and continues with my ankles. His eyes are still tainted with red in those blue eyes.

"My face is no concern to you. I'm just glad I found you in time before-" His voice cracks at the end and I stand up. I'm towering him compared to him sitting down. He wraps around my stomach and leans into me right below my breasts. I returnthe hug and my arms wrap around his neck.

"I'm sorry I didn't find you earlier. I was so worried." He says looking up at me.

"It's alright. You should be careful next time. You could have seriously gotten hurt." I scold him. This time he stands up and growls at me.

"I should have been careful? You almost got raped!" He yells his eyes black and red. Half anger half lust. I look down and I'm only wearing a pair of yoga shorts and a sports bra. Tears stain my cheeks and he does the thing I least expect him to do.

He kisses me.

His lips are so soft and plump. Its takes me a second to realize what's happening and I respond. He pushes me to a wall. I wrap my legs around his waist. Our lips move in sync and he grabs my waist pulling me closer to him. His other hand finds my neck making the kiss go deeper and my arms wrap around his neck. He nips on my lower lip asking for entrance and I gladly give it. His tongue enters and we fight for dominance. Sometimes I win, he lets me, and he mostly won. We searched every part of each others mouth and my hand slips under his shirt. He smiles in between the kiss.

He carries me not stopping the kissing and places me down very gently like I'm a precious case that can breaks any second. Four slides his shirt off and starts placing kisses along my neck. A moan escapes the back of my throat and I he smirks. Fireworks are exploding like the Fourth Of July through the my body and exploding my brain. His fangs come out and I gasp. He nips at the spot he will mark me and I hesitate.

"Stop." I say. He breaks apart form me.

"I don't think I'm ready yet." I say. He nods and kisses me again. Man I think I'm filling for him.

"That's alright. I would wait forever if I had too to get you."

"Four-" I say crawling to him and sitting on his lap. But he cuts me off. I place a couple kisses along his jaw and and bruises go away. My eyes beam with pride.

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