Chapter 22 Those Freaking Leeches Can't Get Enough Of Me

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I snap up with a cold sweat. I look for Tobias but I know that he is gone for the week at the Alpha meeting. I sigh and rub my arms up and down from being cold all of a sudden. I grab one of Tobias's sweatshirts and a pair of leggings. Then I head downstairs into the pack kitchen.

I'm barely half awake and start eating some breakfast. Suddenly the food and drink is taken away from my vision and I growl.

"What they- HEY!" I snap my head around and prepare to rip out the throats' of the person or people who took away my food. Standing with my bowl of cereal is a scared looking Eric, Jason, Peter and Edward. I stand up and a growl ripples through my throat.

"Give. The cereal. Back." I growl through gritted teeth. Eric place the bowl of- orange juice?

"What is this?! Where is my cereal!!!???" I throw my cereal on the ground. Peter, Edward, and Jason take a step back leaving a very scared Eric.

"This is your cereal. You were so tired that you bored an extra bottle of orange juice Tris." He voice shakes and I sit back down with a depressed sigh. The gust sit down too and have relaxed expressions.

"What do you want to do Luna?" Edward asks. "These couple days are something like visiting days. The people of your pack have a chance to visit their families for the next three days. Would you like to visit your family?" He asks and I nod my head.

"Let's leave in a few hours."


"BEATRICE PRIOR!!! WHY THE HELL HAVENT YOU CALLED YOUR MOTHER- or father- IN A FEW MONTHS!?!?!?" My mother screeches loudly at me. A few laughs are heard from behind me and I swing my leg behind me. A satisfying grunt it let out from one of the boys mouth and I smirk. I tune and see it was Peter. Ha.

"Mom! Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry that I haven't called! I got a surprise coming later! Got to go! Love you bye!" I yell pressing the red button and running upstairs.

I swing open the door seeing my suitcase packed and an outfit set up. And a very sneaky Sarah and Xavier.

"Sarah, Xavier... What are you doing here? And more importantly, in my room?" I ask the kids siting on the bed. They are holding hands and I mentally squeal in excitement. SAVIER FOR EVER!!!!!

"We were wondering if we could come with you!" Xavier jumps up and pulls Sarah up with him. I hold one of their hands each and give curious look.

"Are you sure you want to come with me? It's about a one day trip." I say looking back and forth between their eyes. They both nod and I yell for Edward and Peter.

"Can you get Xavier and Sarah's bags ready for a three day trip?" I ask and they nod to pack.

Mom and Dad here we come.


"BEATRICE PRIOR!!!! GET YOUR ASS OVER HERE NOW!!!" This is what I get when I visit my mother after almost 3 months. (News flash!! The timeline right now is November 2nd in the story.) I hug my mother and father and Xavier and Sarah sit on the couch.

"Now who are these little kids?" My mom gushes at Xavier and Sarah.

"Xavier and Sarah, this is my mom and dad. Beta Andrew and Natalie." Sarah waves and smiles while Xavier waves.

"Xavier is the brother of Beta Zeke and Delta Uriah. Sarah, well Her parents were the Pack Warriors or Amity Sun.(I officially changed the name.)". My parents nod and go into the kitchen. Xavier and Sarah follow and I sit down on a chair with an exhausted sigh. Eric and Jason sit down next to me and look at me.

"What?" I ask sitting up straight.

"Do you want to get some lunch?" Eric asks and I nod.

"Can Jason, Peter and Edward come too? I want to get to know them better. If their the best, then I want to know them." I conclude and Eric nods. I ask my mom and dad to watch Sarah and Xavier for a little bit then we head into the large SUV.

A little later, we pull up to a restaurant called 'Applebee's '. I jump and down in the car's seat as we park. We eat the car and get seated at a high seated table by the bar. A waiter walks up to us and winks at me. I sigh and roll my eyes. I can't get s break can't I.

"What can I get you?" He asks looking at me. Eric coughs and places a hand over mine. This feels wrong. I recoil my hand in slight disgust. Eric looks at me with an unreadable look.

"I'll have the 3 mini sliders and  fries no seasoning please." I ask. Everyone orders the same thing except Peter orders Mac and Cheese.

"So," I clap my hands together with enthusiasm, " what is everyone's favorite color?" I smile and Peter gives me a 'wtf' looks. I shrug and bite my mini slider.

"Black or White." Eric responds. I nod my head.

"Mine is either black, grey or blue." I sigh at the word blue thinking of Tobias's sapphire eyes.

"Green." Jason says. Green. Weird.

"Black or white." Peter says and Edward says blue. He has an eye patch on his face and Edward must have noticed because he starts to talk.

"I wear an eye patch because the first time I met Peter," he sends him a devilish glare," I was stabbed in the eye. I cover my mouth so the bile doesn't exit my mouth. I groan at the thought and cover my eyes. They laugh and I excuse myself to the bathroom.

I do my business and start to wash my hands when I noticed two figure behind me. I let out a little squeal at the sight and my pupils dilate when I see non werewolf fangs. God dammit.

"Stupid Fudging Leaches." I groan out loud and the two lady pulls down her hood.

"Molly? Ethan?"

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