Chapter 37 I Love You

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(Warning: Some Violence and Sexual Violence in this chapter)

Its been a week since I've been here.

A week and no sign of anyone to come and rescue me. I haven't even tried to escape. They moved someone next to my cell. I don't know who it is, but I haven't paid attention recently. They only feed me once every two days so I've only ate three times this week. They changed the tying so i'm in heavy duty ropes that are wrapped around my wrists four times. I've gone conscious and unconscious at least six times and Marcus comes in hourly to beat me for a total of 12 hours each day.

"Hey Beatrice. You ready for today?" Marcus comes down the staircase with a wide, leather, black belt and a spiky buckle. I whimper and thrash around but he grips my thighs and turns me around. Then he ties my ankles to the floor. I scream and kick but no use. He brings the belt down against my skin. I yell but my cries were ignored. I stopped counting after 5. Then he stops. and flips me back over. He lifts my shirt up and then rips it off, leaving me in my black lacy bra from the ceremony. I cry and scream for him to let me go. He just smacks me and continues. He grips my waist and starts sucking my shoulder. I bring my knee up and nail him in the jewels.

He groans and brings out his knife then slashes two on each thigh. I scream and use all the rest of my strength in my legs to swing and push him, and keep him, against the silver cage.

"You bitch!" He yells at me. Just before he cuts my face up, someone yells his name.

"MARCUS!!!!" I hear Eric yell.

"WERE UNDER ATTACK!!!!" And he runs upstairs stabbing my thigh with the knife.

Those three words actually gave me something that I haven't had in the past week.



Jason POV 3 Days Ago***

They finally let us go.

Me and Al, they let us go. After two months of torture, they found a new toy. I was so excited to leave but it was Tris.

I was shocked but scared for her.

They wouldn't let us see each other for two months only looking at each other for 15 seconds every one month. I only got to see my mate twice and that was it. It was torture. Now we are in the woods and we won't let go of each other. If we shifted, our tails would be touching or or bodies physically.

Al hasn't been speaking as much because I think he got the worst of it. I mean, he was smaller and more venerable. His wolf is healing slowly and he is talking to mine again.

Ever since I found out about Tris, I made a plan to tell Tobias and help get Tris.

It takes 5 hours but I finally did it. We did it.

We made it back to the pack. Dauntless Black Blood.

Al is slow behind me and so I slow down a bit. But he collapses at the border lines. I grab his fur in my mouth carefully and drag him. I set him down near a waterfall and a cave is underneath. Beautiful I would say if I wasn't in a hurry. I lay down next to him and howl, hopefully that someone can hear me.

About 20 minutes later, I hear a howl from my pack. I quickly howl back and I smell a familiar smell of my trainees. Then I see their wolves running together in formation H.

I shift back and they do to. I get a pair of basketball shorts thrown at my face and I break into a small smile. When I take a step away from Al, his wolf starts whimpering. I move back and whisper some calming words to him so him and his wolf would calm down.

When my team comes closer, Al starts growling unconsciously. I rub his back and he wakes up. When he sees my old team, he backs up and clings to me.

"Shhhh, Al. Its ok.These are my old trainees. Well, not anymore. I trained them." And I do the bro hug with each of them.

"Guys, this is my mate Al. Al, meet Michael, Travor, Liam, Denis, Anthony, and Charlie but wed call him Chubs." I introduce them to Al.

"Jason what happened?" Denis asked with wide eyes looking at out injuries.

"No time to explain. I need to go see T-Alpha Four." I quickly fix what I said because they don't know his actual name.

"Alright lets go." Liam quickly says.


Tobias Three Days Ago***

The next day, I do everything I can to find her.

For starters, I banned Lauren from every pack in the peace treaty, which is all five packs.

I have never stopped calling packs by the outside our treaty and sent groups of four to search their land and under ground tunnels. I had only ate once per day, or when Christina forces my too. She is damn scary when she is angry. 

So, I've been on auto pilot. Doing everything like a robot. I refuse to do anything that involves Tris's favorite things, or anything that Tris did before, I refused to do anything that she did. I just morn over her absence and eat her favorite foods, use her things in the shower, sleep on her side of the bed, snuggle with her pillow, and always have her favorite had on me. She loved that hat I got her. Its a Deadpool hat. She always loved it and never took it out of our room. I keep in my coat pocket.

The only thing I could think about is how much I love her. How much I need her everyday, how much I crave her, how much she affects me. I been depressed, and moody, always mean. I don't mean it, I just went back to the way I was before I met her-but ten times worse.

"Four. Four. Four!" I see fingers snap in front of me. I growl and slam the person in front of me against the wall. I look up and see my beta Zeke.

"I'm sorry dude." I mumble and let him down. He rubs his neck and mutters an 'its ok'.

"Ive been off and moody ever since-" My voice cracks and I fall too my knees. Zeke picks me up and I nod, thankful that he is my best is here for me.

"Thanks man."

"No prob. I wouldn't know how you feel. But I can imagine." He said and we go down into the kitchen.

"Denis! Liam! What going on!? Who the hell is this!?" I yell at two of my new border patrol. The blonde man and brown haired dude stand up and my eyes widen.

"Jason!? Al!?" I yell and bring them into a bro hug. Al flinches a bit and I look worried.

"Dude's what happened? Where did you guys go? What happened? And what happened that made Al flinch at everyone?" I asked concerned.

"Um, it was pretty bad. Horrible and bad. Al hasn't been speaking and his wolf is sort of talking. He got the worst of it.  They took it harder because he was smaller and easier to beat." I say holding Al to my chest who is kinda shaking.

"Wait, beaten?" I ask concerned.

"The people who took us were Marcus, Jeannine, Lauren, and Eric. They also took Tris. I over heard them talking. They let us go. They beat us to get information out of us about the pack. I'm sorry but they beat us and made us stuff about you. I'm sorry dude." Jason said looking down and baring his neck. Al does the same.

"D-d-d-do they have Tris?" I stutter. He nods.

"They have Tris and are sexually and physically abusing her." And I punch a wall. Time to go get back my mate.

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