Chapter 27 Who Likes Disney?

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"No PDA in the Cake Room!" Christina yells. I blush and Shauna coughs to regain attention of everyone.

"So, what about Sarah?"


I look around the room and Christina jumps up and starts physically squealing. I eyes grow wide and a smile appears on my face.

"Ok. We," She motions to everyone except me and Tobias," set up the party while you and Four go take a mini little itty bitty vacation for a day andy a half with Sarah so we can set up for the party." I nod my head and head out of the cake room. I hear heavy footsteps follow me, and I know it is Tobias, but the only thing on my mind is Sarah and finding her.

I walk up the stairs to her room and push open the door. Sarah has sitting in her white rocking chair reading 'The Little Mermaid' and I knock on the open door. Her head snaps in my direction and her blue eyes have tears in them. My heart drops a bit and I walk over to her and sit in her queen bed.

"Hey Sarah. What wrong?" I ask her. She sets the book down and sits on my lap. I stroke her hair and she sighs sniffling a bit.

"I'm just sad because nobody remembered my birthday. It's in two days and everyone is ignoring me." She sniffles again and I wipe her eyes turning her around in my lap.

"Actually, I remembered your birthday." Her head perks up with those blue eyes full of hope. "That's why I needed to find you. You, me, and Four are going on a little vacation to the city. And we ghetto do what ever you want." She squeals and runs to her closet.

I laugh and a knock is heard. I look too the door and see Tobias smiling at me. He walks over and lays down next to me on the bed on his back.

"What ever she wants huh?" He smirks.  I let out a sarcastic laugh and slap his chest.

"I'm talking about Sarah mr. These few days are about Sarah. Got it?" I say. Before he can answer, Sarah comes out with two bags and jumps on Tobias letting out a war cry. Tobias lets out a little 'oof' because she jumped on his head and I fall off the bed in a laughing stock.

"When are we leaving?" Sarah asks picking up her bags.

"In about-er-one hour." Tobias says and my smile drops.

"Skittles. I have to go pack. Bye!" I rush out of the room and to our bedroom that me and Tobias share.


One hour later, me, Tobias, and Sarah are in Tobias's black SUV on the road and a excited Sarah in her blue booster seat.

I'm wearing black jeans, red crop top long sleeve shirt, red converse, and my Deadpool hat on forward. I have eyeliner and mascara on, my favorite look, and my hair in a tight low ponytail.

Sarah is in blue jeans, rainbow Chuck Taylor's with a black logo, a white shirt with a white cloud puking rainbows, and a rainbow smile bracelet.

Tobias is in dark blue jeans, a grey muscle shirt, black Chuck Taylor's, and a grey beanie. He looks drool worthy in a beanie.

For November, it's kinda warm.

"So Sarah, what station?" Tobias asks.

"DISNEY SONGS!" Sarah and I yell at the same time.

He rolls his eyes and we giggle. Tobias changes the station so the Disney song channel is playing and Mulan 'I'll Make A Man Out Of You' and I smirk looking at him. He has a look of slight fear because he knows that Mulan is my favorite Disney Movie. I turn to Sarah and she is also smirking.

"Let's get down to business! To defeat-The Huns. HA! Did they send me daughters! When I asked-FOR SONS!" I laugh as Sarah keeps on singing off key. Whenever her voice cracks, another round of laughs goes right out my mouth. Tobias shakes his head and turns the station off. I take not of our surroundings and see that we are at Wendy's.

"Hello. Welcome to Wendy's, how can I help you?" The lady sounded bored out of her mind. I mean, so would I if I had to work here. I would rather have food.

"HI! I'll have a burger and a medium fry. The burger plain and a small coke please!" I yell leaning over Tobias. He has his hands up and Sarah climbs up to the front seat and sits on my back.

"And I'll have a kids meal burger plain with fries and a small Sprite PLEASE!" Sarah yells on my back. Tobias throws his head back in laughter and he starts driving with me and Sarah on his lap. We get back in our seats and pull up to the window to pay and get our food.

"The total will be $15.47 please." She says boringly. Tobias gives the girl, about my age, the money and then our food.

"Thank you and have a good day-a-a- hey. My name is Alissa and what's your name?" She asks Tobias flirtatiously winking at him continuously. I roll my eyes and Sarah looks confused. 

"Hey lady? Do you have a problem with your eye or something? Cause you might want to see a doctor or something." Alissa blushes furiously and me and Tobias are dying in  laughter.

"Thanks for the food lady, now... next time you try to hit on my boyfriend, I'll come inside that window, and beat you too a pulp. So don't hit on him you slut." And with that, we drive away to a laughing Tobias and a eating Sarah.


"Were almost there queeny." Tobias says rubbing circle on my left knee. Sarah is in the backseat asleep with her polar bear stuffed animal in her arms. We have been driving for at least five hours and its currently 5 pm.

"How much longer Tobias?" I ask him in a tired voice. So far, we had a big singing ession for Disney Frozen songs-Sarah won, played on phones, and I read some of Lauren Kate's Torment.

"About another two hours babe. Go to sleep and dream of your very sexy mate next to you." He smirks looking at me briefly before returning his gaze to the road.

"Ha ha you wish. Good night cake monster." I say slowly closing my eyes and shifting 'till I'm comfy in my seat. Tobias laughs at my nickname.

"I'll wake you when you we stop for dinner or when we get there." And with that, I slip into sleep.

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