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Jisung panicked. "No one! Hey, um I have to go! See ya after school." Jisung hurried out of the cafeteria leaving Seungmin and Changbin behind.

"What's up with ji?" Seungmin turned back to Changbin.

"I have no idea. Maybe he likes someone? Like Ji always makes it obvious when he's in fall love."Changbin shrugs and went back to eating.

Seungmin shrugged it off. Maybe Changbin was right. Nothing bad, right?

Seungmin was in the school graden, he always came here when he had things on his mind.

"Hurry! Go and tell him now! All because of you, my brother is facing consequences!" Felix had dragged a boy towards the younger.

Seungmin widen his eyes. "Felix! Why are you doing to him. He's in pain."

Seungmin knees down and helps the poor boy up and glaring at Felix.

Felix scoffed and rolled his eyes. "Tell him."

"Tell me what?" Seungmin looked at the boy he had helped.

The boy seem nervous to speak up but Felix wasn't having it. Felix nudged the boy standing in front of Seungmin.

"I-i.." The boy stutters.

"You what?" Seungmin was already getting inpatient.

Felix rolled his eyes again and kicked the back of his leg. "Now."

The poor boy kneed in pain. "Seungmin, im sorry. I was the one behind the spray painting not Hyunjin." The boy looked down, Seungmin was embarrassing and ashamed.

"Why did you do it." The boy looked up and made eye contact with Seungmin. Felix was behind him.

"I mistook your locker for Hyunjin's I swear I didn't know it was your locker." The boy pleaded.

Seungmin sighed, it was just a misunderstanding. "It's fine, please next time don't do that to anyone."

The boy nodded and left Felix and Seungmin alone. "I told you, Hyunjin wouldn't do that."

Felix sat down. "You're gonna apologize to him because of your stupid misunderstanding, Hyunjin has detention."

"I will not." Seungmin groaned.

"You could at least do that now that he's in detention for months because of you." Felix wasn't the type to get angry, he was known being the sweetest person, nicest and cutest person.

Seeinng this version of Felix wasn't pleasant. Felix never actually got mad. Yeah if he had argues of course he'll apologize first but it was a whole different story when it came to his brothers.

It was simple, he cared and loved them. Especially Hyunjin, he was the most sensitive and needed to be protected from all.

"Fine, I'll apologize. Where can I find Hwang?" Seungmin sighed and looked down at Felix.

Felix's face lit up and smiles. "You can go to our house."

Seungmin was about to deny but he gave in and just nodded. Felix then put his number onto Seungmin's phone. "Here's my phone number. Text me when you're ready."

Seungmin nodded. Both boys went their own way.

"Shit! Im late!" Seungmin ran through the halls. Seungmin cursed, his math class was upstairs. He climbed up the stair fast.

He knew if he was caught by teacher running, he would get in trouble but that didn't matter to him at this moment.

He opened the door as he was panting. Everyone looked at the door.

The teacher had stopped teaching and sighed looking at the younger. "Why are you late Seungmin?"

"Sorry, Mr. Jeon. I was at the nurses office." The younger had lied to get out trouble. Hyunjin was there, his head was down. He was sleeping of course.

Mr. Jeon let it slide because the younger was his best student. He didn't comment on it and continued teaching.

The younger went to his seat at the back where Hyunjin sat. He sat down and took out his materials. Seungmin noticed Hyunjin sleeping, he sighed but didn't say anything this time.

"Why are you s complicated." Seungmin whispered as he book his books in front of Hyunjin so he wouldn't get caught.

Seungmin felt bad but didn't want to apologize. He didn't want to admit he was wrong, he hated letting Hyunjin know he was right.

Seungmin was confused on why both hated each other. Was it something they agreed on? The younger looked back at the younger. The sun was distributing Hyunjin's sleep. The taller was moving a bit in his sleep.

The younger groans softly. "Why am I even helping you." He whispered and put his hand over the spot where the sun was hitting.

It was low but not so close to his face or else he would get caught too for helping Hyunjin too. The younger sat up right and went closer to his seat so he would cover Hyunjin from the sun.

Seungmin's pov

Hyunjin looked relaxed and looked better in sleeping than awake. Awake it was a nightmare, made me want him better sleep.

Why can you just be this calm while awake, Hwang. I could stop hating on you if you just be nice. I thought.

"Makes me actually wonder if you do hate me or is it just being you." I whispered as I looked down at Hyunjin's sleeping face.

Why do you hate me, Hwang? Is there an actual reason?
Sorry for the late update I wanted to update it in the morning the moment I woke up but I had to go to class and had to also take an exam! Everyone have a wonderful day-night-afternoon! Take care of yourself and remember to eat! 💛 WOO! Remember it's just a bad day not a bad life! 💛💛

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