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"Hey what's up with the hat?" Jisung had spoken to the younger. The younger wasn't about to turn his face towards him so he looked forward.

"N-nothing, just a style I'm trying." Seungmin tried to sound as cheerful. Jisung frown and looks at his best friend.

"Style? So wearing a hat is stylish?" Jisung kept looking at the younger but the younger only kept looking forward.

Jisung shrugs it off and looked forward to. "You know Mrs. Jang won't let you pass with that right?" Seungmin let out a sigh. "Yeah I know."

Seungmin didn't want to take off but he didn't have much choice. He was going to keep it on until she said until then he would still wear it.

"Morning everyone! Today we will learn how to introduce ourselves and what we like to do in english!" The teacher walks in as the students turn their heads towards her.

Seungmin looked down trying to avoid any eye contact with anyone.

"Mr. Kim, you do know that there's a policy of no wearing hats inside. Correct?" The teacher had sat down and looked at Seungmin's direction.

Seungmin sighs. "Yes ma'am."

"Right. Well go on Mr. Kim. Take it off." The teacher said irritated.

Oh great. This is just so great. Why the fuck did I even come. I don't even like this class anyway. Seungmin cursed at himself.

He took the hat off, gasps were heard and loud enough. Seungmin kept his eyes down onto the desk.

"What happened to his face?"

"The fuck is that?"

"Seungmin got into a fight?"

"I don't think it was a fight and I'm pretty sure Seungmin wasn't the one starting shit."

"Now who the fuck could have done this to Seungmin? He's the most innocent one, aside from being really handsome but he's an angel. Who in the world would beat up Seungmin?"

The class was whispering making Seungmin mentally cursed at himself for coming to school in the first place but then again he didn't want to stay at home so what other choice did the puppy boy have?

Especially with those beasts inside his home, yeah no thank you.

"Kim seungmin, can I talk to you outside?" The teacher said with concern and stood up.

Jisung was in shock seeing the younger in such condition. Seungmin stood up and walked out the class.

Jisung took out his phone as soon as he saw the teacher leave.

Hwang Hyunjin

Hey, can you check up on Seungmin? He's probably going to the nurses.

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