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I quickly pack my bag and get out of school. School had finished and I had promised to visit Jeongin.

"Hey where are you going?" Jisung was walking behind me.

"Hospital." I said blankly.

"He did actually got sent there?!" Jisung widen his eyes and covers his mouth.

"Yeah and I'm gonna go visit him. I'm not even sure how bad his injuries are." I sighed and continued to walk.

"Well tell him we said get better soon." Changbin had popped out of nowhere.

"Right. Well later!" I run out of the school heading to the hospital. I was nervous to see him and it felt like something was on my heart unable to breathe.

What if he was badly injured? I still didn't understand what went through Hyunjin's mind.

I had entered the hospital and to front desk. "Hello, is there anything I can help you with?"

"I'm looking for Jeongin." I play with my fingers.

"Oh okay, do you know his surname?" The woman had looked into the system.

"No but he was sent hours ago. He came from high school for injuries."

"Oh okay, yes I do know who you're talking about. His room is 23B second floor." The lady had smiled and gave me a visiting sticker.

I thanked her and walk fast into the elevator, I pushed the button to the second floor. I felt my heart beating fast, I was praying that the injuries weren't so bad but it's Hyunjin who had hit him.

Ding ding

The elevator's doors opened, it was silent. No noises no nothing.

I stepped out of the elevator and went to look for 23B. I went to the first hallway but none had his room number.

10B, 14B, 16B

I took the other hallway. I stopped to the last door down the hall.

"23B. Bingo I found it." I took a deep breath before knocking the door.

"Come in!" I hear a fainted voice. I open it to see Jeongin in a bed. His lip was bruised and had dry blood on him. He had bandages around his body, a few of scratches.

"Jeongin look Im so sorry I" I tried to explain myself to him even though I actually had no idea why it happened.

"Seungmin it's fine, I'm fine. Don't worry but did that guy do anything to you?" He looked at me worried. How can he act so caring and concerned about me when he's the one who is injured?

"No it's not fine." I said raising my voice a bit. Jeongin seemed to taken back at my sudden tone of speaking.

"Seungmin, it's not your fault. You didn't even know he was going to do that. It's literally fine and I'm okay not dead." Jeongin tried to assure me.

I sighed. "I'm sorry I ruined our plans today."

"Seungmin, we can always reschedule it. Now don't be too hard on yourself." Jeongin seemed to notice the distressed on my face.

No one's pov

Jeongin held out his arms open for the older. Seungmin didn't reject it and straight into his arms he came.

The older had felt bad about what had happened even though the younger had assured him not to worry. The younger comforted him and played with his (Seungmin) hair.

Seungmin had slowly spaced out feeling sleepy. Seungmin hadn't slept enough last night which explained his emotions that he was feeling.

Jeongin seemed to notice that about the older. He didn't judge the older and continued to comfort.

Slowly Seungmin had fell asleep. Jeongin smiles as he had the older in his arms.

"He must have had a rough day." He slowly pulled the covers over Seungmin and kept his arm around the boy.

"Night Seungminie" He knew soon or later he had to go to his home and will be alone in the hospital.

With the others

Changbin was at Jisung's place. A sleepover, they had texted Seungmin to come after visiting Jeongin.

Changbin was sitting on one of the bean bags as he was doing assignments while Jisung was sitting on the floor and ate fruit.

Jisung suddenly stops. "Hey hyung, I just realized but who's Jeongin to Seungmin anyway?"

"How would I know. Seungmin is a closed book. Unless we're the ones asking him about random things that have happened to him during the week." Changbin put his phone away because he knew this talk would probably be long.

"True. Do you think it's his boyfriend?"

"Tsk. Boyfriend? No, not all. For one Seungmin doesn't do relationships." Changbin shrugged and went closer to Jisung had sat.

"Hey. You're making him sound as he's the type to lead on." Jisung hit him. The boy didn't like to talk about Seungmin in that way.

"Hey, I didn't mean like that. What I meant was that Seungmin is a good student and barely goes out." Changbin explained.

"Yeah I know but what else can Jeongin be. For one I have never met him before until I saw the fight today besides anything else I have never seen him in school."

"Well for one Seungmin is so closed about his love life and maybe Jeongin is interested in our Seungmin." The elder knew that Seungmin never talked about his love life to him. They always thought it's just him being shy about it.

"Jeongin? Wah, I hope Seungmin accepts his request then. Minnie is the king of rejection." Jisung crosses his arms.

"True but then again if we never heard of him before then he must be a grade below." Changbin got Jisung's chips and began to eat it.

"That's right, I mean Seungmin isn't the type to judge age unless it's way too young. If it's January to February then you're okay but if you're further then that then thank you and next."

Changbin nodded. "I agree."

Jisung lays down and grabs his phone out of his pocket. "Anyways, what's happening in your live life?"

Changbin sat up and stops eating. "I think I may have fallen for a cute someone."

Jisung's eyes lit up. "Who? Do we know him?"Changbin shook his head. "I actually don't know if you know him."

"What's his name?" Jisung was curious who Changbin was going to say.

"Lee Felix, he has pretty eyes, cute everything."

Jisung's eyes lit even brighter, was that even possible. "Like the Lee Felix?"

"Yeah? What do you know him?" Jisung rolled his eyes. "You literally live under a rock huh. Felix is the most adorable person in the school, likable, cute personality, literally everyone has a soft spot for him and on top of that he has a deep voice."

Changbin didn't know that, he only knew the people in his grade and his friends.

"Never mind then I lost my chance the moment you said everyone." Changbin pouts.

"Tsk, Im pretty sure Felix would go for you. Felix is everyone crush but Felix is very cautious about who he's going to date. You still might have a chance." Jisung tried to cheer up the older.

"You think so?"

WOO! Hai everyone, how is your weekend going? Mine is going okay I think aside of me being sick :(
Anyways sweethearts, remember to eat and take care of yourself because you deserve it. You're loved and I love you! ❤️‍🩹

Question of night:
What's your favorite app?

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