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It was a beautiful day, the birds were chirping, the sun was out and most importantly seungmin was happy.

He had woken up from his sleep.

"HEY SEUNGMIN GET UP!!" Hyunjin screams. Seungmin groans and puts the blanket over himself.

"5 more minutes!" Hyunjin rolled his eyes and pulls the blanket of him making the younger whine.

"Hyunjin noooo" Hyunjin laughs at the other's cute behavior. "It's time to wake up or else we'll be late."

Seungmin groans and sat up. He rubs his eyes and see a hyunjin smiling at him. "What?"

"Nothing. You're just pretty." Hyunjin smiled. Seungmin blushes and looks away.

"Tsk. What are you saying." Seungmin whines. Hyunjin chuckles.

"Go get ready, we have school today you know." Hyunjin said and left.

Seungmin sighs and went to get ready. He brushed his teeth, he changed his clothes, and walks out the bathroom. He picks up his book bag and walks out his room heading into the kitchen.

"Morning seungmin! Come and eat!" Felix said happily. "Mom and dad are out for a meeting but will be back in a few hours." Yeah ever since seungmin had moved into the house they had referred their parents as Seungmin's parents as well.

"Thank you for telling me know lixie." Seungmin took a seat beside hyunjin. "Okay kids once y'all are done I'll be taking you to school." Minho had entered the kitchen and grabs his morning coffee.

"Understood!" All three replied. The three continued to eat, seungmin was finally eating well. After many months of having seungmin so broken, he had finally gotten better not perfectly but Hyunjin's parents were making sure he was healing well mentally and physically.

Seungmin was eating and didn't notice he was eating a bit messy. Hyunjin looked over at the younger, he looked cute as he ate. Hyunjin then stops the younger and wipes his mouth with the napkin.

"Sorry, you had something on your mouth." Hyunjin smiled and went back to eating. Seungmin blushed again and a smile appeared on his face.

Felix saw everything and tried his best not to smile. Both were definitely in love. Maybe at first both denied it but both had finally admitted it after.

After seungmin and Felix were done, both walked out of the kitchen going outside as Minho was waiting for the kids in the car.

Both enter and close the door as they wait for hyunjin.

"So seungmin, Hyunjin said to meet him at the park later after school." Felix said without looking at him. Yeah today was the day hyunjin had said he would confessed to the younger or if he didn't Felix would have killed him for sure.

Seungmin looked at him. "What for?" Felix looked at him and shrugs. "Not sure he just said that." Felix definitely knew but he wasn't telling seungmin that. It was a surprise after all.

"Oh? Okay then, thanks lixie." Hyunjin had opened the door and sat in the middle where Felix and seungmin were sitting.

"Okay! Boys let's go to school shall we." Minho chuckles and drove off.

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