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Felix was looking at both smiling. Hyunjin happened to be happier beside Seungmin. Felix himself thought that the younger wouldn't take Hyunjin's offer but this time he did agree to.

"Y'all do, I actually have to go with my other brother so you two have fun!" Felix smiled one last time and hurried out he went outside the store going to find Minho.

Both were left alone. No one dared to say something but Seungmin just didn't want to keep silent.

"So are we going or?" Hyunjin looked at him. "Y-yeah." Hyunjin and Seungmin both went out the store going to the arcade.

Seungmin totally forgot about being mad at Hyunjin. Hyunjin was happy, he considered this as a small date but did Seungmin?

Both were walking towards it and pretty much excited for one the taller was closer to the younger. The younger was as happy because of the games.

Both entered and Seungmin went straight to a game. Hyunjin followed behind and looked at the game. It was one of those racing games specifically car racing.

Hyunjin looked down at younger. He took out money for being able to exchange it to token to be able to play. He held out his hand which had money in front of the pup.

"Here, you won't be able to play unless you exchange it." Seungmin looked up at the taller hesitating but took it anyway. Seungmin ran to one of those machines to exchange it.

Hyunjin smiled as he watched the younger. "Definitely looks like a puppy." He let out a chuckle as Seungmin was exchanging the money.


Jeongin was preparing drinks as the cafe was quite busy. He had left Seungmin for his job, he of course had bills to pay so he had no other choice but go to his job.

"im sorry innie for ruining your date." Chan was holding on drinks and to give it to the customers. "It's fine hyung, im glad you called me in. I needed the money anyways." He tried to sound happy but his face expression wasn't helping. When he usually smiled when he was happy then his smile would be upwards but right now no matter how much he tried his smile was downwards.

"It's fine innie to be upset. I apologize, but there were many orders and only one of me so I had to call you since we practically have only us working." Chan took the drinks Jeongin had made and put it on the counter.

Jeongin sighed but nodded. "Hyung, it's okay don't worry. I'm sure I'll have more dates with Seungmin so I don't mind. I'm sure he understands." Chan smiled sadly at Jeongin. Chan was upset because he had ruined the younger's chance.

Chan was like an older brother to Jeongin of course he was going to feel bad about his date but he was going to make it up to the younger.

"How about you invite Seungmin to the cafe. I'll make sure it's perfect." Chan offers as he put more drinks on the counter.

Jeongin's eyes lit up and his smiled appeared. "Really hyung?!" Chan chuckles and nodded looking at the younger. "Yeah really!"

Jeongin let down the drink he made and hugs Chan tightly. "THANK YOU HYUNG! Thank you thank you." He repeated.

Chan pat his head. "Yeah yeah okay go back to working." Jeongin hurried in making more drinks.

"This kiddo." Chan whispered and smiles as he went back to working.

Felix was at home with Minho. Both had decided to leave the mall as both were done shopping. Felix had told Minho about Hyunjin hanging out with Seungmin so that's why the older wasn't as worried as he would about him. He trusted Seungmin with Hyunjin even though the taller was the one messed up big time.

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