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Trigger warning! Sensitive content!
Warning: abuse etc

"Because of you!" The younger screams out making the taller fall into his knees.

"Today I quit as your tutor. Don't talk to me nor bother me. I'm done." Seungmin figured out how to unlock and headed out leaving the taller behind sobbing.

Hyunjin felt numbed, the one he actually loved had cut ties with him and now this time for real.

Hyunjin wiped his tears. "Seungmin"

The boy cried out as he was standing up.

Days passed, Mr lee had to personally get Hyunjin a new tutor. Mr. Lee had respected the younger's request but Hyunjin didn't want no other tutor but Seungmin.

Ever since that day Seungmin had ignored the taller entirely. Whenever he saw him he would run out and hide or even if both were in the same room he always looked down.

Both sat down together and Seungmin hated that but found a solution to it. The younger wore his AirPods to prevent him to hear the taller talking to him.

Hyunjin missed their arguments over the littlest things. He regretted everything he had done to the younger but the younger made it clear that he didn't want to hear from him.

"Yah Seungmin! Are you even listening to me?" Jisung was sitting down on the couch and had thrown a sock at Seungmin who was in his own world.

Seungmin frowns. "What did you say?"

Jisung sighed. "I said I think Changbin and Felix are dating."

"What's up with you? Ever since last Thursday you became distant." Seungmin looked out the window and hugging his legs.


"Oh quit saying that. I know damn well something happened. What did Hyunjin do?" Jisung got up from the couch waking towards the younger.

"I told you it's nothing." Seungmin groan as he put his head down.

Jisung grabs the younger's hand. "Seungmin you know you can trust me right." Seungmin had rough time during the week. It was Friday after school and he had came to Jisung to take off the things off his mind.

Seungmin sighs and knew if he didn't say anything then Jisung would find out either way.

"We fought. We had met each other during middle school and had done horrible things to me. That's why I had walked away the time he asked help." Jisung eyes widen.

"I didn't expect him to show up so suddenly but it was due to that. He never left me alone that's why I was so upset." Seungmin had explained everything to Jisung from the very beginning.

Jisung still had to process what he was being told. He didn't expect it at all.

"Oh that fucker." Jisung's voice had deepened as he stood up and walked around trying to calm himself.

"It's okay I had cut him off." His phone had rang.

He picked it up and answered.


"Oh hey Minnie! It's me Jeongin." Seungmin quickly changes his seriousness.

"Hai innie, sorry. What's up?" Seungmin and Jeongin had hang out more the pass days. Seungmin felt better whenever he was with the younger.

Seungmin found out that Jeongin was younger and didn't mind. He actually liked the younger's company. Both talked day and night but totally forgot that the younger had taken an interest in him.

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