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Polices were in front of Seungmin's home. Seungmin was driven home after Hyunjin's parents had signed the papers and agreed to have him under their care.

The red, blue and white lights were flashing rapidly. Seungmin was waiting in the car with Hyunjin and his parents but was able to see where the police was.

Seungmin's parents were taken out of the house, their screams and yells were heard clearly. Seungmin cried, he felt guilty. He heard their insults and threats towards him.




Seungmin continued to sob. Hyunjin looked in the distance and hugged the younger knowing how he had must felt.

"It's over seungminie. Their getting what they deserve." Hyunjin assured the younger everything was going to be okay.

The police had taken them into the car and drove off. Seungmin quickly got out making hyunjin follow his steps.

"Seungmin! Where are you going?" Seungmin looked back at the taller.

"Getting my things. I can't just leave them." Seungmin ran inside the house and ran to his room. He looked at his room, he picked up a trash bag and put everything he had on that room besides the furniture.

Hyunjin was standing against the door frame as he watched seungmin pack his things.

Seungmin stood up and looked everywhere making sure he hadn't left a thing. He began to drag the trash bag across the room.

"Need help?" Hyunjin smiles. Seungmin nodded. Hyunjin took it and began to walk out. Seungmin stayed and sat down touching the bed that once was his.

"Even after all, you really didn't change." Seungmin stood up again until his eyes had landed on a photo.

It was him and his parents. He was smiling as well as his parents.

"why did you change. Was it me? Why couldn't you two love me. Was I hard to love?" Seungmin said as he held the picture.

He sighed as he saw his other book bag and put the photo in it.

"Although it was a nightmare living here. I still miss the old you. Good bye." He said as he looked at his room. He closed the door and walks out the hallways with his book bag.

He looked around the living room once more. He walks out and slams the door behind him. He walked slowly to the car where Hyunjin and his parents were waiting.

He opens the car door and enters.

"Ready to go seungmin?" Hyunjin's mom turned back to look at him. Seungmin nodded. She started the engine and drove off.

Seungmin was looking out the window as his house began to disappear in the distance. He then turned back to look at Hyunjin when he felt him squeezed his hand.

𝙃𝘼𝙏𝙀 𝙔𝙊𝙐 𝙏𝙊 𝙇𝙊𝙑𝙀 𝙔𝙊𝙐 Where stories live. Discover now