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The puppy boy looked at both boy and frown. He let a sigh a sign of disappointment.

"Um Jeongin let's go." Seungmin came closer to the younger and pulled the blue headed boy back but he wouldn't budge.

Hyunjin looked down at younger. "What are you doing with Seungmin?" He looked at the Jeongin.

(To be clear their height are different-  my apologies for not adding that but Hyunjin height is the same as well as Jeongin but Seungmin's height is 5'7 in this)

"We're just here like any other person would. Shopping." Seungmin rolled his eyes and grabs one of Jeongin's hands.

Hyunjin looked down at their hands and glared. "Mind if we join." Felix looked at Hyunjin's odd actions towards the two. "What are you Hyunjin, their just shopping."

"It's fine Felix, you're welcome to join." Seungmin gave Felix a small smile. Jeongin let out a small chuckle and turns his head. "Hey minnie, where else do you wanna go?" His eyes lit up every time he talked to Seungmin.

Seungmin shrugged. "I'm not sure, actually never mind I need skin care so we can head there." Hyunjin looked at them with pure jealousy. He didn't like Seungmin being around with other people especially with Jeongin.

It was ruining his chances of winning Seungmin again. He made up his mind and it was him going to make up for everything he had done to the younger.

Jeongin had went and purchase the two outfits Seungmin had liked earlier. Both Felix and Hyunjin were waiting on him as well as Seungmin although he was roaming around still. Hyunjin didn't mind waiting for the younger but Jeongin; Mr wouldn't even hesitate to leave his ass in the store.

"What's with you, Jin." Felix deep voice had startled the taller making him hold his chest as he was showing he was caught off guard. "Nothing."

Felix ran his fingers through his hair in frustration and turned his head towards Hyunjin who seemed to be staring at Seungmin who was looking through racks. Lovely view huh?

"Quit saying that. What's up with you and Seungmin actually correct that what's your problem with Jeongin?" Felix smile had dropped and was serious.

"Can't you leave me alone? Go back to Minho hyung. He's probably wondering where the hell we are." Hyunjin whispered yelled in frustration.

Felix rolls his eyes. "For one Jin, I literally texted hyung not to worry because we had found Seungmin and Jeongin. He said to take of you because apparently you don't know how to chill. Tsk, second Minho had already seen us so he went his way and continued to shop."

Hyunjin crosses his arms and turns away from the younger. He felt as he was about to lose his shit every time Jeongincame in contact with Seungmin.

"You like Seungmin, don't you." Felix was staring where Hyunjin was staring. Not surprised it was of Kim fucking Seungmin.

Don't get Felix wrong he adored the younger but Hyunjin was the his main problem. He knew about the pass between them. Felix just didn't want Seungmin to get hurt anymore. Although both never actually talked nor met properly.

Hyunjin had looked at him quickly. "What. I don't know and quit saying bs."

"Your eyes are in fire and I mean it. If you really like Seungmin then tell him and change your stupid behavior towards him. He can't automatically just know what you're feeling nor think." Felix whispered back.

Hyunjin sighs and knew Felix was right like in any other situation he's been in. Felix was right but he had to chance for Seungmin and for himself.

"Okay fine. I do." Hyunjin looked down and felt a sudden pat. Felix had sighed. "Hyunjin as your brother im going to only tell you once. Change things between you two and once it does then don't hurt the pup." Felix looks at the taller.

"Because once he do, he won't hesitate to leave. Don't hurt him." Hyunjin looks up at his brother meeting each other's eyes. "What are you saying?"

"I'm saying go get your man. I'll help and I'll get others to help as well but at the end of the day you're gonna be the one asking Seungmin out." Felix gave the taller a small smile.

Hyunjin sighs and stands straight. "What if he doesn't love me in that way? What if he likes Jeongin? Then everything would be for nothing."

"It will hurt but if you really love him that much then you would do anything for the person you love. Even if it means choosing his happiness over yours." Felix looks over at Seungmin who was looking through the pile of clothes.

Hyunjin was upset but Felix was saying the true. He loved Seungmin since he had seen his for the first time but ruined it. He was going to try to regain Seungmin back and hoped to change his ending.

"Okay. Thank you Felix" Hyunjin smiled, he wasn't the type to smile often. His smile felt genuinely for the first time. Apart from Seungmin, he faked his smiles.

Especially after his mother had died. The taller never spoke about his mother ever since. His father was never the same until he had met Felix and Minho's mother. Hyunjin wasn't very happy to the idea of remarry, he felt as his father was replacing his mother which caused chaos around home.

As time went Hyunjin began to warm up to his new family. Felix loved Hyunjin and when he first met him, he was excited to have another brother. As for Minho knew Hyunjin didn't like him nor Felix but he tried his best take care of the younger and look after him. Minho adored the tall despite the younger hatred towards them. Minho got the younger to warm up to him as for Felix it had taken more time.

Hyunjin smiled at his memory when he had first met the two brothers. "Remember when people would ask we didn't look alike part from Minho and I but you had said no their my brothers." Felix softly laughs. Hyunjin smiled and nodded.

"Yeah how can I forget."

Seungmin came frowning coming towards to both Felix and Hyunjin. "Pup is upset. It's your time to shine." Felix whispers and pushes Hyunjin towards him.

"What's wrong?" Hyunjin nervous asks expecting not to get an answer.

"Jeongin had to go home, he just gave me my things and left without saying anything." Hyunjin was happy and in his mind he was hoping for that to happen which did.

Felix was making signs to the taller to make the first move. Hyunjin understood it and looks down at younger.

"H-hey? Wanna go to arcade, we can go get something to eat right after?"

Seungmin looks up, his eyes had lit up making him appear more cute. Hyunjin felt his cheeks burning.

"Y-yeah let's go."

WOO! Hai, how's everyone? How do you feel physically? I hope everyone has an amazing day! Remember to take care of yourself and eat! ❤️‍🩹

Question of the day:
What do you dislike?

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