513 21 15

"H-he's just a friend!" Seungmin yells out and crawls back to avoid his father to hit him.

"I know he's not!!" His father took his anger on his. He hit Seungmin, he punched him, he cut him due the broken bottles.

Things were being thrown, screams were heard, cries were heard as well. His mother had passed out due to much alcohol. Not that his mother had ever cared for him but he wished in this point she would've stepped in.

"IM GOING TO SHOW WHATS GOING TO HAPPEN IF YOU GO OUT WITH THAT DAMN HOY AGAIN!" Seungmin begs not to taken in that room again but his father didn't care and he continued to drag him down the halls.

It was Seungmin's nightmare to be taken again into that room. He continued to cry but didn't force himself out of the situation because he knew it would be worse if he put any force against his father.

His father harshly threw the poor boy into the room and entered then locks it.

"PLEASE DONT I SWEAR HE WAS JUST A-" His father had slapped him.

"DONT FUCKEN SPEAK! DID I TELL YOU TO SPEAK OT WHAT!" Seungmin held onto his cheek which was hit by his father as his tears continued to fall down his face.

His father was throwing things aside to find a specific thing he needed. "WHAT IS IT!"

His father then found it and a smirk had appeared onto his face making Seungmin flinch as he heard the noises from it.

A whip.

It was Seungmin's punishment everytime he was found with a guy. He hated it and didn't like the after math he had to deal with later.

Seungmin's eyes widen.

"FATHER! PLEASE NO I-I DIDNT MEAN IT." He was trembling and begging not to be hit.

His father didn't hesitate and hit him. Seungmin winces in pain. His father kept hitting him with the whip. Seungmin's screams were loud enough to let people hear but this room specifically was sound proof.

His father began take of his shirt of him. Seungmin knew if he didn't resist then everything will be over soon.

The whipping continued so did the cries, the screams. Seungmin's eyes were dull, it looked like he didn't even have life in them. His eyes began to close, he began to feel tried.

He was knocked out.

But that didn't mean his father stopped whipping him. No he continued to whip him unconscious.

After 20 mins, his father had stopped and walked out of the room as nothing happened leaving the poor boy unconscious on the dirty floor.

Seungmin wasn't waking up anytime soon but maybe a few days. He didn't even eat properly which made it worse.

Monday had arrived, Seungmin was passed out on Saturday night to full Sunday. He had woken up in middle of dawn. The burning sensation was all into his entire body. Pain was he had felt the moment he had woken up. He touched his eye, it hurt when he touched it that's when reality hit him. His father had given him a black eye.

"I have school tomorrow." He groans. He stood up and more pain he felt when he stood up. He slowly walks to his room. Trying so hard not let whines due to the pain he felt.

He went into his bathroom and locks it. He found his phone there, he looked at it. Maybe his father had put it there but definitely went through it.

Or did he bring it in? He couldn't even remember the simplest thing but just thought maybe he did bring it in.

His phone lit up.

Hey! It's Hyunjin! Jisung gave me your number! You ready for school?

Seungmin frown at the message. School? It's Sunday, wasn't it? The younger taps for the phone to turn on the time read: 7:01 AM Monday
Seungmin's eyes widen.

"Monday? How- aish" He quickly put numbing cream onto his back as he looked into the mirror. It felt cold, he winced in pain each time he had put cream.

He put it on his back, arms, legs, neck. Everywhere. It hurt the younger more since he was putting it harsh and fast only because probably going to missed the bus.

He looked at his black eye and sighs.

"There's no way, im going be able to pass with that." Seungmin changes into his clothes and walks out the bathroom grabbing his other pair of shoes and putting them on. He grabs his book bag and a hat.

He let out sigh as he walks slowly down the halls. The book bag wasn't necessary heavy but he felt like it was as his back felt on fire. It was hurting him and it felt like he was about to cry all over again.

He walks out the door and closing it. He began to walk slowly to school.

He checks his phone.

7:29 AM

He felt relieved but knew he would probably arrive around 7:40 by that time or even later. He walked down the streets slowly. Each time he took a step he winced in pain. He stops and takes out pain killers. He took them without hesitation. He took about five and knew he should've done that but he felt too much pain to be able to handle it.

He continued to walk.

It was cloudy, grey, no sun out. To Seungmin and only alone he enjoyed it.

He soon arrived in front of the school. He looked at the school without any emotions. He puts phone of his pocket and looks at the time.

His eyes widen. Did he really take that long to walk to school?

8:20 AM

And his class was on the other side of school. He quickly entered inside and ran ignoring his body which was in pain. He continued to run, time went the more he ran.

8:25 AM

He quickly enters the building and runs upstairs. He was running out breathe. He slows down and begun to go slowly again.

8:27 AM

He sighs and walks to his class. He entered the class and looks down. He didn't want no one to see his black eye.

He went straight to his seat. English. Seungmin seat with Jisung.

"Hey, what's up with the hat?"

Woo! Hai! I honestly thought this story would have been over by this chapter but I guess I was wrong. Anyways enjoy! By the time i am done I need y'all voting for the next one! ❤️‍🩹

Question of the day: do you prefer winter or summer?

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