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Seungmin looked over at Hyunjin, since when did care Hyunjin care on who talks to the younger?

"W-what?" The younger gave the taller a confuse expression. The taller scoffs and looks at the younger.

"You heard. All this could have been done if you weren't talking to the waiter." Felix had enough of his brother's bullshit.

"Hyunjin-ah, what are you saying. That's enough, Seungmin let's go Don't listen to him." Felix grabs the younger both began to walk off. Hyunjin rolled his eyes and followed both.

"Stupid Kim." He whispers.

Seungmin didn't put much attention to Hyunjin's behavior. He just thought it was just him trying to annoy him. Hyunjin and Seungmin had been in class together since elementary.

You can guess it started in elementary and now were in high school. Felix never understood their hate towards each other. Hyunjin never told anyone why he actually hated Seungmin.

Seungmin began hating Hyunjin the moment he was bullied by him. As he grew up he couldn't stand the taller at all. Chaos was always there when both were classes together.

Even the teachers grew tired of them. Seungmin wasn't the type to hate someone, he was always nice to everyone. Everyone were bonds of the younger, he was very adorable in everyone's eyes.

Hyunjin was known as the rebel, the trouble maker and people seem to wonder why he had something against the younger. Everyone was full of questions but Hyunjin never seem to be bothered by others questions at all.

Hyunjin was the only one who knew why he hated the younger.

All three boys enter the home, both Felix and Hyunjin set their things down. Seungmin just stood their awkwardly not knowing what to do. It was his first time being at Hyunjin's home.

The home was like any other, pictures of Hyunjin and Felix were scattered around the walls as well Mr. Lee.

Seungmin knew Felix and Mr. Lee were related but he wasn't so sure why Hyunjin's photos were there on the walls.

"Hey Seungmin, just follow Hyunjin into his room." Felix smiled.

Seungmin nodded and followed Hyunjin as he began to walk to his room. Both were quiet, no words were exchanged. The silence wasn't comfortable it felt like he had to say something to break the uncomfortable silence.

Hyunjin stopped at the last door of the hallway. He took out a key and opened the door. Hyunjin had entered and Seungmin did as well.

"What subjects do you need more help on?" Seungmin looked around the room while waiting the taller's response.

"History." He said as he sat down and took out his history notebook as well as something to write with.

"Okay we'll start on History today and we can do another tomorrow so you won't be stressed out." The younger sat down onto the chair and took out his own notebook. The younger set it on the desk.

"Okay let's start."
Seungmin began to teach Hyunjin and as a result the taller did understand. The taller went to all sorts of tutors but none had patience with the taller.

The taller felt relieved. Hyunjin had thought maybe both would not let one another alone. He thought he would make a big fuss but he was wrong. Seeing the younger taking his time in teaching him and showed how much patience he had with him sort of changed his way of seeing the younger.

The younger thought it would end up in a bad situation if both were left alone but that wasn't the case. Hyunjin seem so interested in what he was teaching.

Maybe he isn't as bad as I thought he would be. Seungmin thought.

Seungmin's pov

"Hey, I'll be back I need to go the bathroom." I nodded as Hyunjin had left the room. I stood up and looked around.

The taller had photos around. I smiled a bit while looking at the photos. There was Hyunjin smiling wide as he had his arm on Felix.

"You seem even calmer in photos." I said.

I then came across a photo of Hyunjin and a young woman. The woman had beautiful brown hair, black eyes, pink sweater along with a pair of dark blue jeans. She had a huge smile, Hyunjin had a wide smile as well. Hyunjin was holding a peace sign and the woman was pointing at the camera.

There was a little note inside the frame, I came closer to read what the note had.

'Remember to take of yourself and be a good boy. My little one'

I heard foot steps, I quickly went and sat down. Hyunjin had entered and sat down, I pretended to read the texts of the textbook.

"We can start again." I nodded and began to teach again.

I after 30 mins, we finally finished.

"Okay todays lesson is done." I said as I began to pack up my things. Hyunjin looked up and nodded.

I stood up with my book bag in my hand before I could go I heard Hyunjin grab my arm.

"Also just because you're tutoring me, doesn't mean I'll be less mean to you nor will I be nice to you." There was Hyunjin, I scoffed.

"Whatever." I said and let myself out of his grip. I ran and went to the front door.

I closed the door behind me.

Shit. It was night time now, how long did I stay? I sighed and start to walk. I took out the boox, the waiter had given me.

Cupcake. Sweet, good because I haven't eaten. I took it out and took a bite. I saw a trash can and I was about to throw it out before I saw a note on the inside of the box.

Hey, I'm Jeongin. Your waiter! You're cute! Here's a cupcake and my number!


From Jeongin!

I was shocked at his note, my first time getting something like this. Trust me I had received similar things such as these but I always played dumb to prevent anyone getting hurt. I decided to put in his number, I felt bad in not putting in his number.

I quickly put in Jeongin's phone number and put him as:


I stop walking and decided to text the number.


Hai! It's the guy from the cafe earlier. I'm Seungmin, Kim Seungmin.

I quickly put my phone away and continue to walk.

"How bad can it be?"

WOO' HELLO! I hope y'all had wonderful days/nights or mornings! I just wanna say I'm so sorry if the chapters are so horrible, I'm trying my best! ❤️‍🩹

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