Chapter 1

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*Beep beep beep*

The sound of my alarm clock woke me from my deep sleep. I wasn't looking forward to today. I was going to a new high school in the middle of the school year.

My aunt took me and my two little sisters in after my parents died. That meant we had to leave Arizona and move to Portland, she lived in a very nice and cozy home.

I got up from my bed half asleep and started to get ready for school. I brushed my teeth and hair. And put on my favorite 'Zombie Makeout Club' shirt with my favorite dark ripped boyfriend-fit jeans and slipped on my favorite Converse platforms that had writings and little doodles on them from my friends back at home.

I was finally ready, and as I walked out of my room I smelt something really good. I went down the stairs and peeked into the kitchen. My sisters were eating their breakfast and a full untouched plate next to them.

"Well good morning, Highschool Junior!"

"Ughhh Aunt Adria, do I have to go to school now? What's the point since winter break is like a week?"

I sat down at the dinner table and began to pick at my breakfast as I slowly ate it. My aunt giggled and gave my head a pat.

"Because you little gremlin! It'll give you the chance to get familiar with the school, maybe make some friends, and get to know your classmates!"

I mean maybe she's right, might as well get into the swing of it so I know what to do once the break is over. I finished my breakfast and began to head out the door. I slipped on my favorite jacket since it was slightly snowing outside and it was super cold.

"Alright! I'm heading out! I'm walking since the school isn't that far!"

"Okay! Be safe! And friendly!"

"Yeah yeah, bye Aunt Adria. And bye Vivian and Cora! (baby sisters names)"

I slip into my air pods and put on my favorite playlist. As I continue walking closer to the school I slowly see other kids my age walking to school, I wonder if it'll be noticeable that I'm new. Gosh, I sure hope not...

But I see a big gas station and a McDonald's and some kind of coffee shop that serves energy drinks. Cool, I can go there during lunch and be alone for a bit.

I got to the school steps and oh boy was it intimidating, I'd never been to a school that had two floors before! This place either is crowded with kids or just a super-rich school! I guess Aunt Adria made a good call, making me go to school for a week. I'll need to learn how not to get lost in this freaking place.

As I entered the school, I was overwhelmed by the overlapping chatter in the halls with students. I tried to keep my head down and looked at my schedule on the paper that had the room number. But of course, I can find my own homeroom, the first class I need to be in the morning. I look around to see someone that I'm comfortable asking for help.

I see a person at their locker. They had dyed green hair a beanie on with a cool shirt with a skull on it.

"Uhm..excuse me. Can you show me where 206 is? I'm kinda new here."

The person turned around and smiled at me.

"Oh! Never seen you! I can definitely help you, luckily your home room is right next to mine. We can head up there together if you like. I'm about to head up there!"

"Oh yeah! That would be great! name is Y/N L/N by the way. What's yours?"

"My name is TK. Nice to meet you!"

Wow so far so good. I've already made someone who I hope can become my friend. We step up what seemed like an infinite amount of stairs, and finally make it to our home rooms.

"And hey! Let me give you my phone number, in case you wanna meet up for lunch or have any other questions!"

They started to write down their number on a small notebook paper and handed it to me before walking into their class. Did I just make a friend already!? Today might not be so bad after all!

I walk into my classroom and see most students already sitting down and talking to their friends. I walk up to the teacher's desk and whisper.

"Uhm excuse me, I'm a new student in this class. Where is my seating arrangement?"

"Oh don't worry about that! This is the homeroom so we don't do much, feel free to sit anywhere!"

I nod and start scanning the desk. Everyone in the class seemed to be very loud and chatty but I saw a tall person with long dark hair sitting next to the window. The school tables were long and sat two students each, and I noticed no one sat there.

I slowly started to make my way to the table and as I passed the other students their voices slowly started to fade as I started walking closer to the boy. Once I reached the table, I placed my backpack on the floor and sat next to the boy. He seemed to completely ignore my existence, keeping his head down on the table, but that's okay. Now I'm not going to force the dude to talk.

I see the students starting to glacé back at me and whisper to each other. I can make out some things they said like 'what is she doing?' 'Is she new?' 'We should warn her about him.'

"What's that about?.."

I whisper to myself. When I look back at the boy I see that his head is slightly facing towards me and staring me down. I quietly gasped and took out my phone trying to ignore him.

"Alright class, settle down! I got a very exciting announcement! Today we have a new person joining us!"

The teacher looked at me, along with everyone else. I felt a pit in my stomach, this is what I was fearing.

"How about you come up and introduce yourself? Write your name on the board too so they know!"

I kept my eyes forward trying to avoid eye contact, and I tried to write my name as nicely as possible but I felt like I was shaking. I turned back to look at the students and when I looked at the boy I sat by, his head was slightly up looking at me. Why is he paying attention now!?

"Uhm..well I used to live in Arizona and now I live here I guess. Snow is pretty new to me. Uhm, I really like indie video games and to draw..and I hope to get to know you all better."

When I said that last part I looked right at the boy, and he looked quickly away as I did. I walk back to my desk.

"Thank you, Y/N! Alright class make sure you have your assignments turned in before Christmas break! If you have, this is a free period for you!"

The room was once again loud with people's chatter. Having this uncomfortable silence between me and him was weird.

"Uhm. Can I know your name?"

"No. Don't talk to me, you fucking geek."

My eyes widened at his comment, I was just asking for a name!? And he had to be a dick to me that fast? I thought he could be another friend but maybe this was going to be my new bully...

Stalker Romance(Goth Peter x Reader) Highschool AUWhere stories live. Discover now