Chapter 23

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As I got up from the stand to walk back to my seat. I stopped as Peter passed by me. He did the same. He gave me one of his big smiles, I quickly hugged him, it hurts he couldn't hug me back because he was still chained up. All he did was rest his head on my shoulder.

"Everything will be fine, darling. No matter what, we will always love each other."

Before I got the chance to reply they dragged him away from me. I sit back with TK and see Peter sitting at the stand slouching in his chair.

"Is your name Peter King?"

"No fucking shit, Sherlock. If it wasn't we wouldn't be here."

Ugh...there goes his temper.

"Mr. King. You need to remain respectful and serious."

All Peter did was roll his eyes in annoyance.

"Just like everyone else. Will you tell us your story? The whole truth."

"Yes. At the restaurant I was upset that the waiter was making my girlfriend uncomfortable. But I wouldn't go the extra mile to kill the dude. Maybe punch him but not kill. And yes, the incident in the girl restroom at prom is true, you can even as the teachers. Security cameras caught him going to the girls restroom when the dumb teachers weren't doing their job. And I stayed at Y/N house to make sure she didn't hurt herself. But I did go home to change because I was in an uncomfortable suit for WAY too long."

See...Peter's story lines up with both mine and everyone's else's story.

"Yes. As your story is the same as others. There's one thing that's different. Sarah King. Your sister stated you never returned home the next day."

What?...he didn't go home. But he was in completely different clothes when he came back from my house.

"And your mother also confirmed that you never came home and Sarah was the only home that whole day."

Whispers in the courtroom started again, I can feel my heart pound.

"And even though Sammy's house has an alarm system they also have some hidden cameras around the house, we have the footage here today that we would like to share."

I see Peter's eyes slightly open wider like he was worried. Peter please...why did you make that face. This can't be real.

We looked at a screen that started to play black and white footage. We see someone with their hood up entering the house and walking around the home. We then see them enter a room, and they stay there for a while.

Please please don't let this be Peter.

After a while the door finally opened, he didn't have his hood on, the hood less man was...Peter. No no no...I feel tears rush down my cheeks. I look at Peter and he seemed to be looking at me the whole time the video was playing.

"Has everyone made their decisions."

There were nods around the room and the judge decided.

"Peter King. You are sentence for 7 years of jail time for double murder."

(No idea how long you'll get, probably longer- but I just want him to be 25 in the continuation of the story after this ends🤷🏻‍♀️)

I shoot up in my chair.

"No!! It can't be true! He was doing that to protect me but he would never! Peter! Please tell me!"

He looked at me with an ashamed look on his face and looked at the ground as the police dragged him away.



I cover my mouth tight to stop myself from loudly crying. My friends gave me a group hug to comfort me. Is this my fault? I made him care about me too much to the point he felt the need to kill someone for me...what did he do?.... What did I do?...

~Huge Time skip~

As the summer of Peter trial, the next year we became seniors. And finally graduated. I'm still messed up about Peter and people still gossip about how I was in love with a murder but I don't know how to feel anymore. But me and my friends have our plans.

I decided to take a year off before starting college, and stay with my aunt for a year. Help with the money, work with TK at the diner. And I thought it would be fun to get an apartment near my aunt's house and room with Lucy. Sarah didn't go into detail of what she's doing but we know she's staying here.

Sometimes I think about Peter. I know I shouldn't but I do. I hope as I head into the future I'll be able to block out these memories...until then. Let's see how my future turns out.

AN: dun dun duuuun! Now it's done! Oh no he's in jail🥲 but like I said. This isn't the end. I will make a continuation of  you and Peter in 7 years. Lets see how that goes! Would you end up hating him or end up falling for him all over again? Who knows.

But thanks for reading! This was my first completed story, sorry if my story telling is shit💀 but yeah. I'm literally starting the continuation rn so. See you soon! <3

Stalker Romance(Goth Peter x Reader) Highschool AUWhere stories live. Discover now