Chapter 4

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After I finished decorating cookies, I went into my room and flopped my body on my bed. It's been such a roller coaster of a day. I decided just to watch Youtube on my phone for a bit before I slept but I saw a message notification from a number I didn't recognize.

Unknown: Is this Y/N's number?

Me: Who wants to know?..

Unknown: it's me you fucking dickweed.

Me: PETER?! How the hell did you get my number?!

Peter: I have my ways...

Maybe he got my number from Sarah's phone, but why would he even want it in the first place? Oh, I might know why.

Me: Did you just want my number so you can give me more of your homework to do during Christmas break? That's a dick move, even for you.

Peter: No, it's just...I get bored during break and mostly get the house to myself because my sister hangs out with her boyfriend a lot so...if you ever wanna hang out and watch a movie, I guess you can.

Me: uhm..

Peter: UGH! Fucking whatever.


I stare blankly at my phone, so confused. He is mean to me for one second and kind and gentle to me the next. Is he just hiding his feelings for me, or does he just want me to let my guard down so he can do something terrible..should I fall into his trap? Fuck, this dude needs to stop messing with my feelings!

Peter's POV

I throw my phone on my bed and pace back and forth. My heart is going crazy, it feels like it's going to stop. My hands couldn't stop shaking when I texted her, I texted her OMFG. What if I stalk her socials too? Just to learn more about her...I hope she knows I was serious about her coming over. That would be a dream come true, I don't think my heart would be able to handle us being together alone. Of course, I wouldn't do anything my darling doesn't want to do but just being near her makes my heart race.

I go on my Instagram and search for her account in my sister's following list. I finally found her and looked at her account. So many beautiful pictures of her...I save almost all of her posts to my camera roll, only for me. Oh my god, I can look at her pictures all day...I'm growing more and more obsessed with you each day Y/N. I just don't know how to admit it.

(Two days later)


Today's the day I go to Peter's house not sure if I'm gonna stay, just want to drop off our leftover cookies. Sarah was ice skating with her boyfriend but still sent me her address. I might need to take the light rain train to get into his apartment. But that's fine with me, I have my pepper spray for self-defense.

I put on my best clothes and my best makeup. I slip on Peter's jacket and head downstairs to get the cookies

"Well, you're very dressed up just to go drop off cookies~"

"Don't overthink it, it's just been a while since I dressed up nice! But I'm going to drop it now, I'll be back."

"Alright, be careful."

Before I headed to the train there was one stop I wanted to go to, there was a place that sold cute plushies and I found one that totally screamed Peter, I quickly went in to get it. Just for a Christmas present! Not because I like him! 

 Just for a Christmas present! Not because I like him! 

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Stalker Romance(Goth Peter x Reader) Highschool AUWhere stories live. Discover now