Chapter 3

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I run upstairs to my room so I can take a shower. I'm still shocked about the fact that Peter apologized for something he did. I sit on my bed and sniff his jacket that I still had on. Somehow the smell of his cologne and cigarettes smelt so good to me. I got snapped out of my thoughts once I got a call on my phone. It was Sarah.

Peter's POV

Good. Now I know where Y/N lives, now I can check if she's okay during break. Since it was winter and it got dark fast, it was basically dark outside now. I took this as a chance to find Y/N's bedroom window. I hopped their fence and looked at an upstairs window, that has to be it.

Thankfully there was a big tree that was close to her window, if i can climb that i would be able to see her..and maybe get inside her room too. I started to climb the tree. I haven't climbed a tree since I was a kid.

"Hello? Hold on let me put you on speaker, What's up Sarah?"

I watch Y/N walk around her room, picking out her cute pajamas along with cute panties. But why the hell is my sister calling her?

"Hey Y/N..sorry about my brother. You didn't deserve that.."

"Oh no no! It's okay, he explained and apologized."

There was a short silence.


"Ah! Sarah! Calm down! But yes, everything is good now. But I'm going to head to the shower, I feel gross. Hopefully we can hang out during break!"

"Definitely that sounds great! Have a good shower, stinky."

Once Y/N hung up the phone she took off my jacket and held it against her tight, and gave it a deep sniff.

"He smells so nice..."

I almost fell out of the tree, that was too cute. She likes my scent, oh my fucking god.

She gently put the jacket down on her bed and began to undress herself. I couldn't stop looking..watching her unclip her bra and bending over to take off her panties. I could feel my pants tightening.

"F-fucking damn it.."

I gotta leave now before this hurts, I need to take care of this now. picture wouldn't hurt right? Before I leave I take out my phone and wait till Y/N is fully undressed so i can take a beautiful picture. Once I did , my flash went off.

"Oh shit.."

I basically jumped down the tree and ran away as fast as I could, please please. I hope she didn't see me..


What the?! What was that flash? I put Peter's jacket back on because it could basically cover my whole body. I opened my window and looked around, I looked at the snow and it looked like there were footsteps.

"No no..don't overthink about it right away, it must've been Aunt Adria taking out the trash. I hope.."

I need to hurry in the shower so I can start decorating cookies.

Peter's POV
{smut warning}

"Hey! Heard you apologized to Y/N. Does the big emo boy have a soft spot for her?"

My sister starts making kiss noises at me and I shove her away to get to my room quickly!

"I could care less about her, leave me alone!"

I slam the door and lock it quickly, fuck. My pants are so tight, I need to let it out now before it hurts. I unbuckle my belt and unzip my pants, I feel relief once I take my dick out. It hurts when I get a boner from inside my pants because it's kinda big..

AN: pretty sure the canon was that he has a 10inch dick but that's just a rumor I heard so I'm gonna go with that 👀

Gosh, I need to get rid of this. I took out my flesh light from one of my drawers and laid back on my bed. Pulling up Y/N's picture, just looking at it is making me twitch and be so needy.

I slowly jerk myself off with my flesh light, imagining it was Y/N. Thinking about her is making me go insane, I'm getting so obsessed with her. I need her. I need her so badly. I've never gotten so turned on by someone before. I began to pick up the pace faster, making me whimper.

I want to hold her. I want to touch her. I want to feel her warmness on my dick and her taste in my mouth.

I need her.
I need her.
I need her.
I need her!~

"A-ah! Fuck fuck! Y/N!~"

My legs started to shake like crazy as I shot out the most cum I've ever done before. I didn't even know I could cum that much. That's how much you drive me insane Y/N..


After I was all showered up, I slipped on Peter's jacket back on and headed back down stairs.

"Alright, who's ready to decorate cookies!?"

"Me me ! I wanna!"

Both of my sisters say jumping up and down. I look up to my Aunt who has a smug smile on her face.

"Oh no..what is it?"

"Looks like my dear Y/N has a crush~"

I blush and try to avoid looking at her by getting the things we need for decorating the cookies.

"Didn't know you were into the goth bad boys. My niece is just full of surprises! When are you gonna bring him home? Make sure he brings condoms for you guys, safety first!"


She's always been the super cool Aunt, and I loved that about her. But this is just embarrassing!! I rush to the living room and put on The Nightmare Before Christmas so we can watch it as we make cookies.

"Lets just make the cookies already!"

"Yeah! And then we can take some to Y/N's boyfriend!"

I hear Cora's little voice say. I run up to her and tickle her stomach as she laughs loudly trying to push me away.

"You little stinker! He's not my boyfriend!"

"Well, maybe if we make too many cookie's. You can go over and take some to him and his sister."

I blush at the idea of going to his house. But I did want to hang out with Sarah during break, I gave her a nod and started decorating our cookies but I mostly get distracted by the movie.

Stalker Romance(Goth Peter x Reader) Highschool AUWhere stories live. Discover now