Chapter 18

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~Time Jump~

Sarah, Lucy, and I have been walking for a while in the mall. We all decided to go to a big water park later today at 3 pm. But I had no bathing suit, so Lucy and Sarah decided to help me find some because I'm totally clueless about clothes.

Once we were in a summer-type-ish store they snatched any swimsuit that they thought would look cute on me. Once they got as much as they could, they stuffed me into a changing room with several swimsuits. I spent what seemed like 5 hours of modeling swimsuits but not finding a good one. But, picking one out from the pile. It looked like something I'd totally wear!

 It looked like something I'd totally wear!

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(sorry if this isn't something you'd wear. I just think it's cute)

I changed into it and I have to admit, my body looks really good in this swimsuit, Peter might like it. I step out of the changing room to show Lucy and Sarah.

"So? What do you think? I personally think I look good in this."

"HA! Told ya she'd pick mine, Sarah!!'

"Yeah yeah. But Y/N, you look amazing!"

"Y-you think Peter will like it?"

Sarah gave me a smug smile and pinched my cheeks.

"Aww~ Trying to look all sexy for my brother? Don't worry he's going to love this, he likes clothes like these on girls."

On girls? He checks out other girls, I mean...boys will always do and there will always be something a boy wants to change about their girlfriend...

"I'm glad, since we have swimsuits let's head to that huge ass waterpark."

~Time Skip~

Peter's POV

I decided to get to the waterpark early so I wouldn't leave Y/N waiting. I see a familiar car, I thought Y/N would be in it but no. It was moss hair dude. He walked up to me and stood far from me, now we are waiting together.

"How long do you think they'll be?"

I only shrugged at him, not really wanting to talk to him because I knew they still had a crush on Y/N.

"Look. I appreciate how happy you make Y/N, didn't expect you to treat her that well, no offense. But ever since you guys started dating, she seemed to have some effect on you. You seem cooler, and I appreciate that you're part of our group now..."

I have mixed feelings about what they said. Yes, I know I make Y/N happy. Of course, I'd treat her like a goddamn queen. And yes...she had changed me a bit. But being a part of the group made her happy, so it makes me happy.

"Yeah. She changed me, not as angry as I used to be. I was only frustrated with her because she was my first crush. It was a new feeling and I was scared..."

Stalker Romance(Goth Peter x Reader) Highschool AUWhere stories live. Discover now