Chapter 12

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I wake up the next morning, it's Sunday now. I touched around to try and feel Peter but he was gone. Wtf did he just smash and dash?! Until I saw a note on my nightstand.

"Hey, darling~ Went home to change out of this dumb suit. Be back in a bit<3"

I wonder when he left but wow. I can't stop thinking about last night, we are finally official. I have someone I trust to protect me now. I really hope he's coming back. I fix my hair with my fingers and head downstairs to eat breakfast with my aunt and sisters.

"Good morning sleepy-"

My Aunt cut off her sentence. Her face went from shocked to a smug reaction.

" good?"

"I don't know, are you? You look like you had fun."

How the hell did she know?! I look in the mirror. And see all the bite marks and hickeys around my neck and to my shoulders. IT'S SO NOTICABLE! And it must be noticeable for the ones I gave Peter too! OMFG.

"NO NO! It wasn't like that! I uh! Uhm!"

"Haha, as long as you guys were safe, honey."

Peter's POV

Wow, last night was great. She's finally mine. I did it. For now, let's keep it that way. That means i need to get rid of that bastard Sammy, just glad he's a rich prick that everyone knows which house is his. I put all the stuff I needed in a backpack and extra clothes, to get rid of him forever. He won't hurt my Y/N ever again.

I test the back door of his house and of course. Not locked. His house is so big I have a lot of places to hide, the house was pretty quiet, and that probably meant his parents were at work. Perfect.

I go upstairs to his room and peek in. I hear the shower running. This is going to be easy, I wait until the shower stops. The door finally opens, I yank him by the hair and slice his throat with one sweep, he couldn't even screen. Just seeing his blood dripping out like a waterfall.

"This is what you get for hurting my deserve this."

Once he stopped choking on his own blood, it was time to set up his death like it was suicide. It's not like they can have my fingerprints since I'm wearing gloves, I put the knife in his hands and cleaned myself off in his bathroom. I did this all for you Y/N...I'll kill whoever you want if it means you will stay mine...and stay safe. 

[Few minutes later]

I finally hear a knock at the front door and quickly open it. I see Peter leaning on the door frame, really showing how tall he was.

"Well Hello Beautiful~ You look nice today."

He gently touched my neck, noticing all the marks he gave me. I blush and lightly punch his arm repeatedly out of embarrassment.

"Quiet! You're not the only one that has this!"

I point at his neck which is covered with my love bites and hickeys, he chuckles under his breath and moves my hair out of my face.

"I know. I walked into town to get you something. I wanted to make sure everyone saw these on my neck. So they know I'm owned by you, Darling~"

He's owned by me..and I'm owned by him. I loved the sound of that so much. He places a bag in my hands and rubs my head as he walks inside my house like it was his.

"Anyway, I got this for you, my love. Enjoy~"

I look inside the bag and see my favorite snacks and my favorite drink. Wow, this relationship is already going well.

Stalker Romance(Goth Peter x Reader) Highschool AUWhere stories live. Discover now