Chapter 13

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Me and Peter go to the office together and we see the group in the office sitting on the waiting chairs in front of the principal's office. I felt my stomach turn, why are we all here, what did we even do?

"Hey, guys..have you found out what they want with us yet?" I said in a worried hushed voice.

"No idea, I'm just as confused as you are," TK said, looking up at me with his arms crossed.

I started to bite my lip slightly making it bleed, my anxiety was overwhelming and my mind couldn't stop racing. Until I felt someone holding my hand and placing a kiss on my cheek.

"You will be okay darling, you're too much of a goody-goody nerd to do anything bad."

I chuckle at him teasing me and gently shoving him away in a flirty way. Maybe he's right, it's probably a thoughts were cut off by the principal's door opening.

"Oh kids, you're here. Come inside and take a seat."

We walk in and the first thing we see is two police officers across the room, that didn't really help me calm down..we all take a seat waiting for what's about to happen.

"Do any of you know about Sammy's whereabouts? He went missing the day after homecoming and some students mention you guys interacting with him last at homecoming."

"What? You think we bullied him and made him run away?" Sarah said in an annoyed tone.

"He's not missing. He's dead." One of the cops flat-out said. My heart stopped. Dead?.. How?..

"Can you guys tell us what happened that night but one at a time?"

"Ahem...Our night was going very well. We were having fun and Y/N and Peter danced together." Lucy said, taking her phone and showing the picture of us dancing.

"Once they finished, Y/N went to get something to drink. Then Sammy started talking and making sexual comments to her, making her uncomfortable." Sarah said after Lucy.

"Peter noticed how uncomfortable he looked from our table and came to get Y/N, as they were close to our table. For some reason, Sammy gave Y/N her drink which was odd. Once Y/N drank it, she slowly started to act off..." TK also continued Sarah's story.

"I went to the bathroom because I just thought I was overheating from the body heat and had too much food. Once I was in the bathroom stall I collapsed and right away I knew...that drink was spiked." Everyone was listening to me closely. My friends looked so worried, Peter hated hearing the story, and the adults seemed sad for me.

"I then saw Sammy in the stall with me, and his attention was to...take advantage of me. I wasn't able to fight back from him stripping me of my clothes. No matter how hard I cried i couldn't...I couldn't..." My eyes started to water and Lucy and Sarah got up and wrapped their arms around me.

"I noticed Y/N was in the bathroom for way too long. And went to check on her. I heard Y/N weeping my name asking for help. Once I saw what state she was in, obviously I was angry. Any man would be angry seeing another man doing something that horrible to a woman, I admit and punched him a few times but only because what he did was so disgusting and I needed to help Y/N. Once I cleaned up Y/N we told her friends we were going to her house so she could rest."

"Why didn't you find a teacher for this at homecoming?" The principal asked Peter.

"If I wasted fucking time, something worse could've happened to Y/N. That's why." Peter growled.

One of the cops walked in front of Peter and patted his shoulder.

"Really appreciate that you got there in time for her. If I saw someone I cared about being treated like that. I wouldn't hesitate to do the same thing you did. But still, you were the one who caused harm to him so we will pay close attention to you. You guys are free to go." 

We all walked out of the office still a little uneasy.

"Who do you think did it?" Lucy said.

"I don't know. Maybe it was suicide but they didn't want to tell us or some shit." Sarah said.

TK hugged me and petted my head slowly.

"It will be alright, Y/N. Let's get to class and get the day over with, yeah?"

I wipe my tears and nod in agreement. I looked over at Peter and he was obviously angry, was it because the police were accusing him just to protect me? I held his hand and he snapped out of his thoughts.

"You okay?"

"Always when you're with me, lover."

I giggle at him and lightly blush. He's so cute when he shows his soft spot for me. 

{After school}

"Alright guys, it's my first day working at Dad's Damn Diner. Let's see how it goes. Weren't you gonna apply too TK?"

"Yeah but I'm gonna wait until we graduate."

I gave them a nod and put on my bike helmet.

"See you later guys!"

"Bye Y/N! Bye Pete!" Lucy said.

"See ya later, dorks..."

Just like that he took off to take me to work.

"Woah! He actually said bye to us and didn't ignore us! Improvement! Y/N is actually making him a nice guy...slowly though." Lucy said.

We finally arrived at the diner. It's a little ways from my house, the downside is I need to walk home after my shift and it will be dark by then..but I can't think about that. I get off Peter's bike, fixing my hair and clothes.

"How do I look?"

"Gorgeous, as always. Good luck, darling."

Peter lifted my head up and gave me a passionate kiss, making my legs a little weak. He stopped and started his engine.

"Later, loser."

And just like that, he took off. Haha, emo bastard.

AN: Short chapter, I know. Sorry guys :(

Stalker Romance(Goth Peter x Reader) Highschool AUWhere stories live. Discover now