Chapter 15

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Me and Peter walked off in silence, I was trying to process what happened.

"I scared you. Didn't I?"

"HUH?! Of course not, if it wasn't for you I would've been taken away. And I'm just thinking about your teeth now. They are kinda cool, they must come in handy to have sharp teeth."

Peter chuckled and wrapped his arm around me.

"Glad you think so, baby girl~ Let's go pick something up for you to eat and I'll take you home."

(Time Skip)

Peter bought me my (favorite food/drink) for dinner. Along with other gifts from stores, we stopped by. I always apologize for wasting his money on me for each thing he bought me.

"You really don't need to use your money on me, it can be used for more important things."

"Darling, I would sell the clothes on my back for you if it means I can spoil you~"

My cheeks start to heat up, ugh he has such a way with words. Every day I fell more and more in love with him...finally, we made it to my house. Once he got into the spotlight of my house. I noticed how beat up he was, dry blood on his face, slight bruises, and bleeding knuckles.

"Oh my gosh...Peter. You're so..."

Peter looked at himself in the reflection of the window. All he did was chuckle.

"It's okay, darling. I looked worse."

"No, you're coming in. I'm cleaning you up. I don't think my aunt is here so you won't be flooded with questions and attacked by my sisters."

"Oh, we got the house all to ourselves?~"

I lightly hit his arms and rolled my eyes.


"Come on, doesn't your hero deserve a reward?~" 

I grip the collar of his shirt and give him a fast sloppy kiss, making him give out a little moan.

"Let's get going."

"AH! You fucking tease!~"

(Another time skip)

I went through the med kit we had, looking through all the things I'll need to fix up Peter. Can't believe he sacrifices himself to protect me...It seems like it's my fault. It is my fault. I go back to my room. Setting all the stuff on my desk, obviously, Peter could tell something was on my mind.

"Darling? Something wrong?"

"I'm so sorry, Peter...I'm sorry you hurt yourself because of me."


I suddenly feel arms wrapped around me and Peter's and placing soft kisses on my neck.

"I would go through the most painful type of torture for you if it means you'll be safe, my darling."

I turned to him and gently sat him back on the bed, starting to clean the blood off his face. He then placed me on his lap and gave me a smug grin.

"Getting a closer look will help patch me up easier.~"


I finished cleaning his face and scooted closer to put bandages on his face. He lets out a groan and puts his hands on my hips.

"Watch it, mister."

"Come on, what about my reward?"

He gently moves my hips back and forth making me grind against his dick that's getting harder and harder by my movements. I can feel myself getting wet, fuck he gets me like this so easily. Ugh no snap out of it! I quickly get up, take out my pajamas, and run to my bathroom.

"I'm going to change!"

I closed the door and tried to calm my heart when I finally calmed down. I started to undress, I heard the door open and close, before I could react, Peter held my hips and slowly started to hump me.

"Fuck Y/N..It hurts so bad, it's tight inside my pants~"

He slowly kept humping me and little tiny moans started to escape through my lips, looking at him in the bathroom mirror. Seeing how desperate and needy he is, it just turns me on even more. I slowly started to slip off my pants along with my panties, Peter didn't hesitate to rub my folds with his fingers.

"How? What's this huh? You're drenched just by me humping you? Dirty slut~"

My face started to turn red and I looked down trying to avoid his look in the mirror, I could feel him position himself at my entrance, he shoved it in all at once. Making me moan loud from the instant shock of pleasure. He gripped my hair and lifted my head to the mirror.

"Remember the safe colors, Darling?~"

I bite my lip and give him a nod. He grins wide showing his sharp teeth.

"Then watch me rail you like the little whore that you are~"

He started to pound into me rough and fast, hearing his hips hit against my ass. I can always feel my mind going stupid, Peter slipped his fingers in my mouth when he noticed me getting dizzy.

"Oh no no~ Stay awake, baby~ Keep looking at yourself, your cute fucking face, fuck! I can feel myself getting close!~"

I lick and suck on his fingers, he's fucking me like an animal and i love it so much, I finally feel myself at my climax and come on his dick, but he still didn't stop.

"Fuck yes, darling~ Ride that wave, I'm close!~"

He gripped my shoulders, shoving himself deeper, and thrust getting sloppier, I can feel him about to cum, and he pulls out and shoves me onto my knees. Shoving his dick in my mouth and face fucking me fast, his moans are amazing.

"Fuck!~ I'm coming, darling! Take it all!~"

After a few thrusts, I feel my mouth getting filled with his cum most of it dripping out of my mouth but I still swallow what i had in my mouth. As he pulled out of my mouth, he grabbed my hair to make me look at him.

"Open that mouth, beautiful~ Let me see all my cum gone~"

I did what I was told and he stroked my face gently.

"That's my good girl~ Did so good for me, I enjoyed my reward~ Now let's get in the shower. You probably can't walk right now~"

Stalker Romance(Goth Peter x Reader) Highschool AUWhere stories live. Discover now