Chapter 11

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We arrived at my house and Peter helped me walk all the way up to my room, being super gentle with me. He sat me down on my bed and took care of me, giving me medicine, helping me to walk again, helping me fully snap out of it and he did.

"Atta girl, good job."

"T-Thank you so much."

Peter went down on one knee and my face went completely red.

"Haha, calm down, nerd. Not proposing yet, just taking off your shoes so you can change into pajamas and finally relax."

I chuckled to myself but got caught off guard when Peter gently lifted my leg as he took off my shoes one by one, he looked up at me and gave me a side smile.

"I'm going to wait outside so you can change, OK?"

As Peter was walking to my door, I quickly grabbed his hand and blushed.

"C-can you help me?"

"Of course, darling."

I turn my back to him and lift my hair revealing the zipper to my dress, blushing super hard. He put his hands on my hips and slowly moved them up to my zipper, feeling my curves.

"You sure you're okay with this, Darling?"


He chuckled in my ear, I love it when he does that his deep, raspy voice makes my knees weak. He slowly unzipped my dress and my dress fell to the floor and I swear I heard him gasp. 

"W-what is there something on my back?"

"N-No! Just that black bra and panties with those cute tights make you look..beautiful."

Him calling my half-naked body 'beautiful' instead of 'hot' or 'sexy' made it much more meaningful. I decided to make the first bold move, so he knew I wanted him. I need him. I turned to face him and put his hands on my waist, then I placed my lips against his. He pulls me closer to him picks me up and gently sets me down on the bed as we still kiss, we both break the kiss to catch our breath.

"P-Peter I need you...please be my first."

"A-are you sure? Once I get started, I get know? Just say red and I'll stop okay, darling?"

He moved some of my hair out of my face and gave him a nod. With that, he took off the rest of his clothes and took off mine, but ripped my tights for access.


"Don't worry, baby.~ I'll buy you better ones~"

He kissed me as his tongue was in my mouth, he inserted two fingers inside and went as fast as he could, curling his fingers in the process and hitting all of my good spots. We barely started and he's already doing so well, he must've done this with a lot of girls. 

"Y-You're so good, you must've done this a lot, huh?~"

"Believe it or not are my first and god damn it I'm so glad that you are~"

Peter handed me his phone and it was on the camera, he moved his head in between my legs and put my legs over his shoulders.

"Take pics and vids of me eating you out, so you can look back to this moment and remember I'm the only one who can make you feel this good, understand?~"

I nodded my head and pointed the camera at him, he instantly started eating me out, pushing his long tongue inside of me as he quickly rubbed my clit with his thumb. I took so many pics and vids, I wanted to remember him enjoying the taste of me. After a while of eating me out he stops, takes the phone from me, and stands up.

"Get off the bed, now."

I did as I was told, he gently pushed me to my knees as he took off his belt and let his pants drop. As he gently pressed the tip of his dick against my lips, I immediately got surprised. It was so huge! I couldn't wait to put it in my mouth.

"Alright, baby. It's your turn when I check-in. Tap my leg once I know you are ok. And twice for me to stop."

I nodded once and he shoved all of his dick in my mouth and I could take it all! Oh my gosh. He put his hand on my head and slowly guided me through it, grunting, moaning, and biting his lips and this turned me on. He took his belt wrapped it around my neck and pulled me in all the way and held me there.

"God damn, I can feel it in the back of your throat. Fuuuck you're doing so good~"

He gripped my hair and pulled me off of him.

"I need you, Now~"

He shoved me against the bed on my stomach and my breathing started to get harder and faster as he kept teasing me with this tip, gosh asshole for teasing me.

"Again baby. I get really rough. Are you sure you can handle it?"

"Y-Yes I can, please just give it to me~"

"Anything for you~"

He gripped my hips and pushed me into him. He put his arm around me and touched my stomach.

"Fuuck~ I'm that deep inside that it's basically poking out of you? This is going to be so fun~"

He quickly started thrusting into me. I put my face into the bed trying to stop me from moaning.

"Oh no no. I want to fucking hear you moan like a good little slut~"

He grabbed both of my arms and pulled me up so he could hear my moans even more. I wanted this to last forever, I'm so glad that he's my first and I'm happy he wanted me to be his first.

"F-fuck~ P-Peter I'm close~"

He flipped me and my back and put my legs on his shoulders.

"I want to see your pretty face as you finish for me~"

He fucked me harder and faster than ever. I wrap my arms and legs around him tight, he puts his head to the crook of my neck and starts heavily marking me, I can hear his moans and growls in my ear. He was making my mind go numb and I loved it.

"Peter, I'm g-gonna.."

"I know baby~ I know~ Let's do it together baby~"

I can feel his thrust getting sloppier and his breathing gets shaky. Finally, he pulled out of me and came on my stomach and I came as well. We stayed still for a moment to catch our breath. He sat straight up and looked down at me.

"Wow, your legs sure are shaking a lot."

"Be quiet."

"Let me get a towel to clean you off."

I tried to get up with him but I couldn't even walk and I fell back into the bed.

"I guess I did REALLY good~"

"Just go get a towel!"

After Peter cleaned me up, he laid down and put me on top of him. Playing with my hair and whispering sweet nothings in my ear helped me slowly drift off to sleep as we held each other. I'm so happy he's my first...

(Sorry if you don't like it that hard- I'm. hypersexual and just can't control the urges.) 

Stalker Romance(Goth Peter x Reader) Highschool AUWhere stories live. Discover now