Chapter 9

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Ugh, I feel so nervous that I feel like I'm gonna throw up. My Aunt and sisters were helping me get ready, My aunt made sure my dress was clean and had no wrinkles. I put on my favorite fishnet stockings and new flatform shoes that my Aunt got me for Christmas. 

(what the cute shoes look like<3)

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(what the cute shoes look like<3)

I look in the mirror and I haven't seen myself like this ever, My hair was done so well, and I had cute but natural makeup. Ugh, I didn't know it was possible for me to look like this. I waited awhile in my room, I decided to have Peter pick me up so he and I could go to the restaurant together.

"Oh Y/N! Your date is here!"'s show time. I walk down the stairs and see my two sisters super happy to see him. Once he saw me out of the corner of his eye, he stood up tall and I could see a little glint in his eye. I can just tell by just looking at him that just seeing me made his heart melt.

"You beautiful. Woah."

I blush and turn my head avoiding his gaze.

"You think so? Glad I didn't disappoint you."

"No! You could never! Even without all this dress-up stuff, you're gorgeous regardless!"

We heard a cough and looked at my Aunt and sisters with a smug look on their faces.

"You two should get going. Peter's keep her safe alright, make sure she doesn't get into any trouble! Protect her."

"Always do, and always will."

My sisters ran and hugged Peter's legs and then mine.

"Bye bye!!"

We both wave goodbye and start getting ready to take off, I get on with him on his bike, slowly wrapping my arms around him and whispering in his ear.

"You look handsome."

I felt his breath get shaky.

"S-shut up, nerd!!"

(Time skip)

We finally arrived at a slightly fancy restaurant named 'Crystal Peak'. We all thought we deserved to spoil ourselves and go to a nice restaurant. We saw my friends waiting in front of the restaurant for me and Peter. They see me and Peter hop off the bike and walk toward them.

"WOO WOO! Y/N! Looking like a baddie! Model for us!!" Lucy yelled.

I twirled around and flipped my hair, trying to be super girly. I'm glad being goofy made everyone laugh, even Peter even though it was just a chuckle under his breath.

"TK, party of 5?

"Damn, you guys got here right on time! Let's go!" 

We follow the waiter to our table and omfg, this place is honestly too fancy that I feel out of place. They took us to a table that was closest to the lake. The restaurant had 'crystal' in it because when the moon shone on the lake, it shined like a crystal. Before I sat down the waiter pulled out the chair for me.

"Oh, thank you so much!"

Peter's POV

I watch as that asshole pulls out a chair for Y/N and smiles at her. She's mine! Back off or else you'll make me break. I try not to show an inch of anger so I won't alarm Y/N and not ruin our date?' I don't think it counts if her friends are here.


This is going well so far! We knew what we wanted right away, but I had trouble ordering my food, I got way too scared. So Peter ordered my (favorite drink) and my (favorite food).

"Thank you, Peter. I know it's silly that I can't order but I just get too nervous."

"Not silly at all, It's understandable for a dork not to be able to order food."

He said in a teasing tone, I giggled and shoved him a little bit.

"Haha! Shut up, goth boy!"

(Short time skip)

The night has been going really well, but that waiter. He seemed to be flirting with me a lot, saying my dress suited me very well, my legs looked good in fishnets, and my shade of lipstick looked good. I would be happy to have a compliment, but having so much from one guy but all the compliments are making me uncomfortable, I hate it. Peter noticed that I was fidgeting with my fingers under the table, he got close to me and whispered.

"You alright, Y/N?"

"Just...this guy is kinda making me uncomfortable with his comments, especially the one about my legs and lips. There's something definitely nasty he's thinking about..."

He gently grabbed my hair and tucked it behind my ear.

"Want me to go find a manager and explain the situation so they can give us a waitress instead of a waiter?"

"Yeah, that would be great. You're the best..."

Peter gets up and pats my head

"I'll be back as soon as I can."

Peter's POV

I clench my hands into a fist, I'm going to do a little more than find a manager. I go into the office of the restaurant and search for a worker jacket to wear to make it seem like I work there. After that, I put on rubber gloves and went into the kitchen to search.

"Hey! Karter! Can you throw these in the back garbage bin!"

"Yeah, no problem!"

I see that bastard walk out the back and I follow him, sneaking the biggest knife I could find and hiding it in my sleeve. His back was turned, throwing all the garbage bags into the bins, perfect timing. I quietly walked up to him, and as soon as I was close enough, I stabbed him on one side of his next and he came out through the other. This caused him not even being able to scream, I leaned into his ear and whispered.

"That's what you get for flirting with my Y/n...She's mine!"

As I see the life drain from his eyes I pull the knife out, Finally, I take off the work shirt, wiping off some blood, thankful there wasn't so much on the floor and I throw him in the trash. I opened one of the garbage bags and put the gloves and knife inside of it. Well, he won't make my Y/N uncomfortable anymore!

I smile and walk through the front, walking to my table. Seeing Y/N talking to a waitress as she puts her food down for her, she looks so much more comfortable now.


"Oh, Peter! Where were you?"

"Before I went to find a manager, I went to the bathroom. Afterward, I couldn't find one, sorry Y/N.

"Oh don't worry about it! That other dude got called out early and we have a waitress now, it's all good!"

I gave him a big smile, so sweet he tried so hard to make me as comfortable as I could be.

After we ate, it was finally time. We decided that I'll go with Peter again and meet them at the school. I honestly love going with Peter, giving me an excuse to be close to him just made me so warm. But for some reason, i feel like something even more special is waiting for me at home coming. 

Stalker Romance(Goth Peter x Reader) Highschool AUWhere stories live. Discover now