Chapter 5

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It was finally Christmas day, my Aunt Adria made a big dinner just for us. We all dressed in pretty dresses but I still refused to wear heels. After we ate we planned on opening our presents, until we heard a knock on the door. Who would be out during Christmas?

My Aunt went to answer the door and I heard a familiar voice.

" Y/N here?"

I run and peek out into the hall.


" look pretty."

My aunt looked at me then at him and then back at me. And gave me a smug smile.

"So Peter, it seems like I made more food than usual. Would you like to come inside and eat with us?"

"Aunt Adria! He wouldn't want-"

"I won't pass up the opportunity to get free food."

What?! He's coming inside!? Fuck what if he comes into my room! It's a mess!


I run up and throw all my dirty clothes in a basket and cover my sketchbook with drawings of him and us together. Hiding everything that could be a possible embarrassment. After that was done I went downstairs to the living room and saw Peter sitting on the floor with my sisters. Cora was brushing out one side of Peter's hair and Vivian was braiding the other side of his hair. He had one pink bow clip so his bangs wouldn't cover his face.

And I see Aunt Adria take multiple pictures like Peter was some kind of celebrity. I didn't think Peter would be the type to be so patient and gentle with kids, it warmed my heart. He's truly trying to show he is father material.

"Looks like my sister's found a new friend. You can tell them to leave you alone and they will."

"Nah, they are way better than my dumbass sister."

My sister Vivian gasped and hit him in the head with the brush.

"Peter! No naughty words!"

"Oh right. Sorry."

"Alright kids time to eat!"

(Time skip)

After we ate and I and my sisters opened our presents, Peter pulled me aside.

"Uhm..can I give you my gift?"

"You got me a gift?"

Peter nods.

"Uhm Aunt Adria, we are gonna go up to my room."

"Alright, don't be too loud."


I grab his hand and basically run to my room, slamming the door behind me. Now it was Peter's turn to look around my room

Peter's POV

Her room was as cute as she was, her bed was full of plushies. Paintings that she has hung in her room and a sign that says "Welcome to Camp Crystal Lake" Gosh I didn't know it was possible to love her more. And then I saw the drawing I gave her thumb tacked to the wall next to her bed, I couldn't help but blush. Knowing that she kept it made me so happy.

"So, you gonna stand there like a statue or give me the gift?"

She said to me just like how I did, haha so cute


I gave him a smile while patting the bed, he took my offer and sat next to me, putting the gift on my legs. It was a bit heavier than the gift I gave him, and when I opened it, I stopped in my tracks. He gave me the same plush I got him but pink! Now we have matching plushies!

And he gave me a red crystal rose in a pretty box, this must've cost him a bunch of money!

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And he gave me a red crystal rose in a pretty box, this must've cost him a bunch of money!

"It's beautiful, how did you know roses were my favorite?"

"Lucky guess. A beautiful girl always deserves a beautiful rose to match her beauty~"

I stand up quick and Peter soon also stood up.

"Peter? Why are you doing this? Do you actually like me? Or is this your way of being a dick, to lead me on. I'd do whatever you want me to do, and then drop me when i'm not useful any-"

Before I could finish, Peter kissed me to shut me up. But it wasn't like the same kiss as before, it was more of a 'I need you' type of kiss.

"Only you do this to me."

He kissed me again and lifted me up. Making me wrap my legs around him and his hands holding me up by my ass, I couldn't help but let out a small moan. Hearing that made Peter chuckle.

"Oh? Is someone enjoying this?~"

"Shut up, goth freak~"

Peter threw me on the bed and pinned me down, he gave me a lustful smile showing his sharp teeth and this time, he showed me his long tongue.

"Oh darling~ You should know that i don't like being told what to do~"

This time when he kissed me, he explored my mouth with his tongue, it felt so fucking good. I grip onto the sheets and Peter slowly starts to grind on me, since I was wearing a dress I could feel his bulge grinding against my panties.

"P-Peter please~"

"Please what, use your words princess~"

"I..i want you~"

He liked his lips and started to reach for my panties. But I was fooled, instead he pulled down the bottom of my dress and put me on my feet.

"I would take you but it will be more fun leaving you needy like that~ Maybe next time you'll get lucky~"

He winks at me. How could he do that?! He got me all heated up just to leave me like this?! He is an asshole

Stalker Romance(Goth Peter x Reader) Highschool AUWhere stories live. Discover now