Chapter 16

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Ever since Sammy's 'suicide' the police have been keeping a super close eye on my friend group but most of all, Peter. After that situation with that dude during gym period, the dudes at the diner apparently went to the police after Peter kicked their ass. This makes Peter look so bad...he would protect me but beat up people t wouldn't kill someone for me...right?

But on the bright side, it's almost summer, and my friends have been trying to figure out something to do during the summer. But Peter is REALLY looking forward to seeing me in a swimsuit, horny bastard.

"OH! There will be a fair in town at the end of June! That will be so fun!!" Lucy said.

"Oh, that'll be perfect. I will get paid soon and I'll be able to go." 

"But it sucks how the teachers want to shower us with assignments on the last week of school," TK said with a sigh.

~Time Skip to the final day of school~

"Summertime is here!!" Sarah yelled out.

"Shut the fuck up, Sarah you're so fucking annoying." Peter glared at her.

"Peter. She's just excited. Let her be."

Sarah gave Peter a smug smile, and Peter just replied with an eye roll. Sometimes their brother and sister fighting is so amusing to me.

"So we are heading down to that snow cone place? It's so fucking hot!"

"Oh yeah! They usually open during the summer. Let's go!" TK said in the most exciting tone ever.

We all split up and decided to meet at 'Snow Damn Treat'. Me and Peter put on our helmets to start heading out.

"You know what, darling. Your ass looks so good in those shorts~"

"PETER!" I lightly punched his arm and it turned bright red.

"What? Just giving my beautiful girlfriend a compliment."

Once we arrived we all walked in to get snow cones, but when we looked outside we saw at least two police cars parked across the street. Watch us.

"This is getting fucking ridiculous, we can't even get snowcones without getting watched. It's been months since Sammy's situation, and they are still on our asses!" Lucy said in a super irritated voice.

"Really hope they don't spy on us all summer," Tk said to us.

"Let's just ignore them and get our snowcones, I've been craving this for so long," I said I was super excited.

We all start getting our favorite flavors. Lucy got 'pink cotton candy'. Sarah got 'Pink Lemonade'. TK got 'Lemon Lime'. Peter got the classic 'tiger's blood' and I got (your favorite flavor).

"Mm! It tastes like summer, the brain freeze is worth it." Sarah said while devouring her snowcone.

We all sat at a table eating our snow cones, as I swung my legs that were dangling from the seat, basically dancing as I ate my snowcone, I noticed Peter looking at me with a very love drunk face.

"Your happy dance is so cute when you eat," Peter said.

"OMG! I never even noticed that she does that! That's adorable!" Lucy said while hugging my head.

"G-Guys! Stop, it's not cute!" I started to blush a lot, it's so hard for me to take compliments. 

"Do you mind if we take a group picture with our snow cones? Trying to document more for memories..." TK said in a really quiet and shy tone.

"Let's do it!" I said

TK took out their phones and we all squished together to take a selfie. Tk extended his arm to get everyone. Tk did a peace sign. Sarah and Lucy were hugging each other and Peter had his arm around me kissing my cheek. Once Tk took the picture we all surrounded them to look.

"We look so cute! I'm definitely going to have this printed. Send this to all of us!" I said.

"Can you also send it to me too..." Peter said.

We swung our heads back fast at him in pure shock.

"You? Want this? A photo of all of us?" TK said pointing at their phone.

"That's what I said lime hair..." Peter said, looking away and blushing slightly showing on his cheeks.

We all smile at each other, liking the fact that Peter is enjoying hanging out with us whether he says so or not.

"Definitely. I'll send it to you now."

I saw that TK was exchanging socials so they could share the photo with him. While Sarah was teasing him about wanting the picture I couldn't help but feel so happy. My friends and boyfriend are finally getting along, I have the most loving and healthy relationship ever, and everything is going so well.

After our snowcone hangout, we all split our ways and went home.

"Hey Peter, I think my Aunt is going to grill hot dogs and burgers since it's summer and she always over cooks. Soooo? Want to come over?"

"You don't even need to ask, darling~"

Since it was hot outside Peter put his hair up to help him cool down, he's so hot when it's up before he put on his helmet he notices me staring.

"Like what you see?~"

"Shut up and let's get going!"

"As you wish, my love."

AN: Super short chapter, sorry about that :(

Stalker Romance(Goth Peter x Reader) Highschool AUWhere stories live. Discover now