Chapter 17

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As soon as we walked in my house, my sisters nearly took down Peter by hugging him. They really love him, it's insane. He was like part of the family now. We went to my backyard and saw my aunt grilling food along with a table full of side foods, it looks super good!

"Ah! Peter! Just the man I wanted to see! We have a bunch of food, you need some meat on your bones! You are way too skinny!" My aunt said in a teasing tone.

"Then I won't let you waste your amazing cooking."

Peter and I sat at the table and started to eat some chips in the bowl.

"Peter! Peter! We drew something for you!!" both of my sisters say at the same time.

My sisters placed a bunch of drawings on the table, some of just him, some of all of us, and some of me and him. And one of me and Peter getting married, we both looked at each other and giggled as we blushed.

"Thank you so much girls. You guys are so very talented."

Both of my sisters run off giggling to play on the trampoline. I rest my head on Peter's shoulder as we watch them both jump and playfully wrestle with each other. Peter wrapped his arms around me and got close to my ear.

"I want to have one of those with you...and only you."

"Y-you think we will still be together that far into the future?"

"I know we will be. I want you to be my first everything. You're my first crush, my first girlfriend, first sex. I need you to be my first forever, my love~"

Him saying that made my heart flutter, he wants me for that long. Me? To think this guy used to bully me but I was his first crush? I love him so much it drives me insane. Almost like I want to live in his skin because we aren't close enough. Agh! I sound crazy!!

"I can't wait for our future together, Peter."

Me and Peter were getting close to kissing until we heard my aunt and two sisters say.

"EWW!!! Cooties!!!"

I hid my face with my hands but Peter just laughed it off.

"Haha, sorry! Your niece is just so breathtaking, I just got carried away."

"Mm!! Peter!! Quiet!!" I say super embarrassed.

My aunt laughs and ruffles Peter's hair.

"Alright kiddos!! Dinner time. Eat as much as you want! My job is to stuffin you guys up so I can cook you for tomorrow's dinner!" My aunt said in a joking tone.

~Time Skip~

Peter flopped on my bed and burped loud.

"Ah fuck!! I feel like I'm going to explode! I just couldn't stop eating, your aunt's food is so good!!"

"Haha! Thanks. Maybe I can try some of your parents cooking one day!"

Peter's expression changed and crossed his arms.

"Me and my parents aren't that great. That's why I am the way I am..."

I climbed on the bed with him and started braiding his hair.

"So? You being sweet, strong, loving, protective, and being super handsome is because of them? Thank god!" I joked, thankfully that got a chuckle out of him.

"Just don't worry about it. I like hanging out here more than locking myself in my room all day."

"Theeen? Can I go to your house and keep you company?"

Peter suddenly sits up quickly.

"No! No no! You can't come to my house ever!!"

I jumped from him yelling at me. To be honest I got kind of scared and he noticed it too. He instantly regretted it. And pulled me into a hug quickly.

Stalker Romance(Goth Peter x Reader) Highschool AUWhere stories live. Discover now