Chapter 14

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Peter's POV

Y/N has been working for a couple of hours now. I went all the way home and put my bike away and walked all the way to the diner just to watch over her. If I came on my bike she would definitely recognize it and think I'm being a creep or something. But I'm not...I'm just protecting what's mine.

But damn, she looked so cute in her work clothes, just wanted to go in there and make out with her in front of everyone. So they know she's mine. But I hated how she had to smile at all the customers. I know it's part of her job but it made me so angry. Some asshole would take it the wrong way and hit on her. Fuck...I'll just go in and sit in the back, and make sure she doesn't see me. I pull up my hoodie and walk in with my head down. She was waiting at a table full of gross men who were clearly older than her, I could already get a bad vibe off of them. I shut out all the other background noise and tried to listen to the conversation at the table.

"Alright, is that all you would like to order."

"Well, I don't see one thing that I want on the menu." One of the men says.

"Oh no. Well, what is it? Maybe I can ask the cook to make it for you." Y/N said, god her voice makes me melt.

"Don't see you on the menu, sweetheart."

"Uhm...yeah. So nothing else?"

"How about a date with me, hot stuff." Another man said, literally shoving his phone number in her hands.

Oh my god...I want to beat the shit out of them.

"Yeah, no. I got a boyfriend. And trust me, if he was here. You guys would have your teeth knocked out."

Haha. You got that right, my darling. But those pigs were still pressuring her.

"Just keep the number if you change your mind."

Y/N walked away from the table and was about to walk into the kitchen, I saw her look at the napkin with the number on she going to keep it? No no...And finally, she crushed it up and threw it in the trash.

"That's my girl."

I can still hear those guys talking about my darling, hearing all their disgusting pervy comments about her just angered me more and more. Should I beat their asses or kill them? Can't kill them outside in public...But beating the shit out of them would be fine.

I should get out of here before Y/N notices me. I'll wait outside for those assholes.


Can't believe the nerve of those guys! Wish Peter was there, I know they would be too scared to talk to me if Peter was here. I walked out with a tray of their food and someone walked in front of me, they were super tall and had their hood covering their face. He had the same scent that Peter has..cigarettes and that really good-smelling cologne that Peter wears.

Was that guy? no Can't be Peter. He went home. I just miss him. 

I go over to the men who were the last table I am waiting for tonight, and I set down their food.

"There you go..enjoy."

"Well, I enjoyed looking at you, gorgeous."

The man gave my bottom a slap. I gasp loudly and turn my head back around quickly. I had enough...

"You know what!? I wish my boyfriend was here! Now since you did that, maybe I should call him over. He will talk sense into you!"

"You think I'm scared of a little high school boy? He won't do shit."

Stalker Romance(Goth Peter x Reader) Highschool AUWhere stories live. Discover now