Chapter 2

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It's already Thursday and I'm already excited to go to school! I've already made three friends! Lucy, TK, and Sarah! They are wonderful people, every day at lunch we either go get energy drinks or get snacks at the gas station and eat them in Lucy's car while rocking out to some music or giving advice about her boy drama.

But again..that dude I sat by during home-room, oh boy I was right about him being a bully. Every time we walked by each other in the halls he would knock me away, he would force me to do his homework, call me names like 'geek' or 'shithead', and would put gum in my hair!!

But all I was happy about was my friends, I didn't even care about doing his homework, I just put random answers in it to shut him up, not like he would know if it was right or wrong.

I wake up again to see my Aunt Adria making a big fat breakfast for me and my sisters.

"Come on, Aunt Adria. You don't need to cook this much for just us! I would be fine with a slice of toast!"

"No no! My girlies need to be stuffed up, you girls are too skinny. Need some meat on your bones."

I giggle and eat my food quickly.

"Haha, whatever you say."

I stand up hug my aunt and kiss my sister's cheeks.

"Alright heading out!"

"Okay, dude! Stay safe! Love you!"

I never thought I'd be so excited to go to my new school every day, it sucks that tomorrow is the last day. And it's a short day. But it's cool that me and my friends are in a group chat so we can keep in touch and show off our Christmas gifts to each other!

I got to school pretty early. So I decided to sit outside on the school benches. I've started to love the snow and cold weather so I like to be outside.

I took out my sketchbook and started to sketch, I love drawing people I know. I drew TK, Lucy, Sarah, My aunt, and two sisters. Who haven't I drawn? As I was thinking of people, that boy came to mind. Ugh, why did he pop into my head? I figured why not since it's the only thing I can think of.

I started drawing him from memory and it was pretty spot on, as I was drawing him more I started to feel my cheeks warm up. Drawing his every feature. To his long black hair, his dark blue tired eyes, his cool clothes. Wait...I better not be starting to have a crush on my bully. I don't want any enemies to lovers shit.

Peters POV

I like to walk to school early so I can get away from my annoying sister sooner, as I got closer I saw Y/N. Sitting alone drawing in her book again, her cheeks were a rosy red from the cold and looked kinda of pretty in the snow...

I decided to go snoop on what she was drawing, I walked closer and looked over her shoulder, good thing she had her headphones in or she could definitely hear the crunch of snow coming from behind her.

I quickly snatched her book out of her hands.

"Well well, what have we got here?"

"No no! Give it back! Don't look! Please, those are private!"

She tried her best to get the book from me but I am way too tall for her to even reach, I looked at her drawing, was a drawing of me..a very good drawing of me.

I feel my cheeks start to heat up, I shove the book into her chest.

"H-here, you weirdo.."

I shove my hands into my pockets and walk into the school. Once I was out of her sight I felt my heart beat so fast like I just ran a marathon. This never happened before, how am I feeling this way? Ever since she sat next to me in class, I couldn't sleep, I couldn't eat, all I could think about was her.

Stalker Romance(Goth Peter x Reader) Highschool AUWhere stories live. Discover now