Chapter 20

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(Trigger Warning)

I waited inside the diner waiting for Peter, but he was taking longer than I thought...It's unlike him to do this, he's usually always early because he can't spend so long separated from me. Poor baby has separation issues. I sent him multiple texts and phone calls... What happened?

What if something happened? I need to check his house...

Without hesitation, I ran out of the diner and started to sprint to his house. I haven't run this fast in my whole life, I don't care if my asthma can't handle it.

(A.N: Let's just say you have asthma for dramatic effect.)

I finally make it to his house and I see his bike parked in the front of his house. And what scared me the most was hearing yelling from inside. I crossed my fingers hoping that the front door is unlocked, it was! I quietly go in and shut the door.

His house is...messy, dark, barely any food. No wonder why he stays at my house...

I hear the yelling continue and the sound of objects falling from upstairs, I run up the stairs quickly and press my ear against the door with the noise. I hear a woman's voice and something that sounds like a whip.

"Why the hell are you gone all the time?! Why are you spending time with that whore of a girlfriend of yours!! Who the fuck do you think you are?!"

"What's the fucking point?! Look at this fucking house?! All you do is go out, get drunk, and fuck guys for money and use the money for the fucking casino!!"

"You fucking bitch! Don't talk back to me! I wish I never had you, you monster!!"

I quietly opened the door and peeked inside, my heart dropped to my stomach. I see a woman who definitely has to be his mom in his room. She was holding one of Peter's belts that had spikes on them. I look at Peter with scratches on his face and all over his arms from trying to shield the spikes away from his face. 

I ran in and put myself between him and his mom, and took a hit in the face with him. I hissed through the pain and could already feel blood dripping down my face.

"Get away from him! Now!"

I turned to Peter who was still shocked, I held his face and felt pain, he looked like a scared little puppy. He leaned his head more into my hands.

"Oh, my lovely Peter, are you okay?..."

"Are you the fucking whore Peter hangs out with?!"

His mom whips me in the back of the head as I was talking to Peter. I turn and glare at her.

"Are you the slutty mother?"

That really hit a nerve with her, I see her swing her arm back, getting ready to hit. But I grip her arm tight, Peter always protects me, it's my turn. I grabbed the belt and started to repeatedly hit her, I kicked her to the ground got on top of her, and repeatedly punched her face as hard as I could.

"Don't hurt him ever again!"

She laughs like a psycho and spits blood on my face, oh my god that made me angry. I grip her hair and throw her out of Peter's room lock it, and double lock it with a chair.

"Pack up, Peter. Now. I'll get Rat's small tank to take to my house. Don't forget your bike keys too."

I rushed around and tried to get Rat situated. I looked at Peter who stared at me shocked, looking at my cuts, bloody clothes and face, and bleeding knuckles.

"Peter! Now!"

"Right right!!"

He grabbed the biggest bag and stuffed as much stuff as I could. I tried to force myself not to try and wheeze, I don't need him to worry about me. Once he was finished, we opened his window jumped out of it, and rushed to his bike. Once we were on it, his mom burst through the door and was about to come at us. Peter quickly started his bike and sped off. As we got further and further from his house, I started to relax. I was breathing deeply and slowly, the wheezing was super obvious.

"Darling?... Are you alright?"

"Yeah! Let's just get going."

Once we got to my house, Peter was so beat up that he couldn't walk well, it looked like he jumped in a pool of blood. I put his arm over my shoulder and walked him to the front door, I knocked on the door hard. Waiting for my Aunt. The door quickly swung open.


My aunt sees me and Peter, bloody and beaten up with bags of stuff, she has a face of terror. My sisters see us too and they look scared...I didn't want them to see me like this.

"haha...Hey Aunt Adria."

"What the hell happened?!"

"I'll explain later, just please go help Peter."

Aunt Adria put Peter's other arm over her shoulder, and she could hear me wheezing.

"Y/N!? Were you running?! You need your inhaler now!"

"Darling?... You have asthma?"

"Agh! Don't worry about it! Let's just get fixed up."

As my Aunt was helping Peter I started to explain what happened. She just got angrier and angrier.

"That woman! Just wait! She's gonna pay for hurting my kid and her boyfriend! And Peter, you are NOT going back, you are staying here!"

Peter gave a half-effort chuckle, I grabbed Peter's stuff and Rat and went up to my room to set everything up. Gosh...I really can't breathe. My wheezing got worse and I couldn't stop coughing. 

"Here you go..."

Wow look at them taking care of me, I take it from them and take a puff of my inhaler. I feel a little better now.

"Thank you girls, you're my heroes."

"Does your owies hurt?"

"Eh. A bit, but I did what I had to do to protect Peter. And I would gladly do the same for you two."

I gave both of my sisters a kiss on the cheeks and a hug. They both let go and went back downstairs with my aunt. I sat on my floor and leaned my head against my bed, I saw Peter walk into my room, he looked so much better.

"No no no...My love. You still have blood all over you."

"Haha. This is nothing, I'm tough."

I tried to stand up but fell over again. Peter picked me up bridal style and into the bathroom. He sat me at the counter and started taking off my clothes, I wasn't bothered by it and let him do it cause I trusted him.

He started the bath filled it up with warm water, and made it extra bubbly just the way I liked it.

"You didn't need to get hurt for me, darling..."

"You always protect me. I couldn't stand by and let you get hurt. I'm sorry I didn't get there sooner."

He gently picked me up and slowly placed me into the bath, he washed my hair to get all the blood off of it, cleaning my knuckles and face. He was taking care of me so well. And every once in a while, he will give me little kisses on my lips. After he was done cleaning me he took me out and dried me gently.

"Look at my pretty girl, all nice and clean."

He gave me a kiss on my forehead and put one of his shirts on me, his big shirts were always comfy. Once he brushed my hair, he laid me in my bed and he went to bed with me. Our faces were inches apart, and we just stared and held each other. As he was slowly playing with my hair, I fell fast asleep. 

Stalker Romance(Goth Peter x Reader) Highschool AUWhere stories live. Discover now