Chapter 6

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Author's Note: Sorry if there's not a lot of violence and all that, I'm just trying to go slow and then hit you in the face with dark romance. I just really enjoy slow burns.

Christmas break was so great, but now it's time for school. Sometimes I had dreams about what happened on Christmas. I mean he never really said he liked me, or wanted to date me. Am I just another number to his body count!? Ugh...I want to give him the benefit of the doubt but after how he treated me, I don't know.

I slipped on Peter's jacket without thinking and went downstairs to greet my Aunt and my sisters. I didn't really feel like eating but I decided just to have one slice of toast.

"Alright heading out now."

"Okay hun, tell Peter I said hi!"

Oh boy, she really wants me to get a boyfriend, ugh whatever. When I got to school I went to meet my friends at TK's like always, Once I got close I overheard them talking about their Christmas.

"Hey guys! Did you have a good Christmas!?"

"Hi Y/N! How was your-"

TK stopped mid-sentence and looked at the oversized jacket I was wearing.

"Is that Peter's jacket? Why do you even have his jacket?"

Before I could say anything Sarah started talking.

"Yeah, it is. Because my brother has a soft spot for our little Y/N here~"

"No, he doesn't! He just felt bad about what happened before the break and apologized and gave me his jacket because it was cold.."

TK titled their head and seemed a bit sad, but I didn't know why though. They then gently grabbed my hand.

"So. Do you like him? It's probably not safe to like someone like-"

TK stopped what he was about to tell me, a shadow of a person cast over me and TK looking up at the person.

"A person like who? Huh?"

Peter was standing behind me with his hands in his pocket shooting daggers at TK for some reason and TK slowly released my hand.

"None of your business, goth boy prick."

"What did you fucking call me?!"

Uh oh...I see where this is going. Oh god please not on the first day!

"Peter, stop it!"

I said slightly pushing him away.

"You heard me! Stay away from Y/N!"

TK took off his jacket that I was wearing and threw it at him.

"She wants nothing to do with you! Stop playing with her feelings before you hurt her!"

TK took my hand and was about to walk away. I turned to Peter and saw him getting ready to punch TK. Oh no...

"TK, wait!!'

Right when Peter took the punch I pushed TK away and took a punch across the face for them, i fell on my knees and covered my mouth,

"Oh my god! Y/N, are you okay?!"

Lucy went on her knees and rubbed my back.

"Yeah yeah, I'm okay."

"What the? No, you're not, your lip is cut! Omg, it's bad it's bleeding so much!"

I didn't feel blood until I saw some on my hands and my blood dripping on the floor. Peter's rings must've cut me when I took the punch. am I going to explain this to Aunt Adria...Lucy and Sarah helped me up.

"Come on..let's go to the nurse's office and get you cleaned up.."

Peter's POV

I hurt her...I know I shoved her into lockers, but I would never get extremely physical like that with her. Why did she have to interfere? Before I could talk to Y/N, that slut Lucy and my sister took Y/N to the nurse. That green-haired freak gave me one last glare before they followed them to the nurse's office. I pick up my jacket off the has a mix of her scent and mine..seeing her blood on the floor made me sick.

I ran to the nearest bathroom and went into the biggest stall, I started repeatedly punching the wall, not stopping until my knuckles were bruised and bleeding.

"FUCK FUCK FUCK! I'LL KILL THEM! I WAS SO CLOSE TO MAKING HER MINE! They're definitely in love with Y/N, I won't let them take her away! I'll get rid of anyone who gets in the way of making Y/N mine.."

(In Nurses Office)

"Alright all the blood is wiped off and the bleeding stopped, Make sure not to pick at it as it's healing or it will leave a very noticeable scar. Now go ahead to class.."

"Alright, thank you, ma'am.."

I walked back to my class by myself because unfortunately, the nurse sent my friends to class because I was the only one that needed help. Should I even go to the homeroom? It's almost done anyway so what was the point? I looked through the door window of my class and once I did, I noticed Peter's head shoot up as he saw me. Hell no...I'm just going to head to my second period.

As I walk away I hear a door slam open.

"Peter King! Class isn't over yet!"

As Peter caught up to me, he just looked at my cut lip.

"I'm sorry...I didn't mean to hit you."

"But you DID mean to hit my friend."

I started to walk again to my class but Peter grabbed my hand.

"Wait Y/N, please don't go."

"Why? So can you play with my feelings some more? No. I'm done."

I tug my arm away from his grip and run away. Leaving him alone in the school halls. Hurt.

(Time skip)

Wow..that was a good first day back. I hold my hand on the door handle to my house, trying to think of ways of not letting my Aunt seeing my cut or what to say when she goes nothing.

I keep my head down and try to rush to the stairs.

"Hey hey woah, are you too cool to say hi to your aunt when you get home? Why in a rush to go upstairs?

"I'm just tired..I want to nap."

"Y/N..please look at me when you talk please."

Shit shit..what do I do. I looked at her and noticed that my little sisters were hugging her leg, also concerned about me.

"Oh my gosh..What happened?! Do I need to call the school or someone's parents?"

"Oh no! Y/N has an owie!"

My sisters run up to me and hug my legs, I rub their heads and smile.

"Come on! I'm okay, just trouble went down and I did what I had to do to protect a friend."

"Honey, I'm always proud that you want to protect the people you love but please. Find a different way without getting hurt."

I give a nod of agreement and start going up stairs in my room. When I locked my room door, I laid in my bed and started to sob. How can I be such an idiot..I was desperate for love that's all it was.

The sound of small rocks hitting my window snapped me out of my thoughts. I go to my window and I see Peter's jacket hanging from a branch, I look and see Peter is nowhere, only his footprints in the snow. I take it off the branch and hold it close to my body. How did this happen..Do I love him? Should I love him? I'm so confused..

Stalker Romance(Goth Peter x Reader) Highschool AUWhere stories live. Discover now