Chapter 22

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Ever since Peter's arrest, I felt so sick. And knowing that tomorrow I'll have to go to court to try my best to prove he's innocent is tomorrow. He has to be innocent! Sure he gets slightly violent when he's angry, but it was all for protection!! Right?... was I the reason he did all that? The only reason he fought was to protect me....

I snapped out of my thoughts when I heard a knock on my bedroom door. What is it now? I wiped the tears off my face and made sure my eyes weren't reading and puffy from crying.

"Come in..."

As the door opened I expected to see my Aunt, instead I saw Sarah. She slowly walked up to me and sat next to me on my bed. We both stayed silent for a while before she finally decided to speak.

"How are you holding up?"

All I did was give her a shrug, I was scared if I talked I would suddenly burst into tears again.

"That court thing will be done before you know it! If anything he will probably just get in trouble for that fight during gym class!!"

Sarah tried her best to comfort me, but I could tell deep down she didn't doubt that Peter killed someone. But I gave her a fake smile and nodded.

"Yeah. It's just a fight.."

After more talking, Sarah got up and gave me a hug.

"Go get something good to eat. And go to bed early. We all have a long day ahead of us."

"Yeah. Good idea. Thanks for checking up on my Sarah."

"No problem. See you tomorrow."

~Time Skip~

It was the day of the trial, I heard we needed to dress up nice as we showed up. But I felt too numb to care. I just slightly brushed my hair, put eyeliner on, and put on a skirt with my favorite band t-shirt on. And also slipped on my Converse cause whatever.

My aunt had to take my sisters to a babysitter because this might take a while. Once we were ready we drove down to the court. The car ride was so quiet. My Aunt never seen me like this before, I could tell that it hurt her. And she wants to believe Peter didn't do this too.

We finally parked in front of the hall. I sat there for a while just looking at it. I couldn't move my body at all. I didn't want to get out of the car...

"You ready, honey?"

"Yeah. I guess I have to be ready."

We both get out of the car and make our way inside. And it was fucking packed. Didn't expect so many people. As I walk into the courtroom I can already see my friends sitting down saving my seat. I can also see Peter's mom, what the fuck is she doing here. I gave her the meanest glare I could as I walked past her. I flop down in my seat and sigh.

TK gently grabbed my hand and I looked up at them.

"Everything's going to be alright. Even if things go bad, we will be here for you. Always."

I tried my best not to cry but TK's words made me shed a few tears. The sound of the judge's hammer made me jump, now I know this is about to start. I see how they escort Peter out of the room. He's cuffed up and in an orange prisoner suit. I saw him scan the room with his angry face and as soon as he saw me, his face lit up. But I slowly looked down and gripped my skirt tight.

Peter POV

As I look around the room I try to find my darling, we've been separated for too long! I wanna see her. Once I finished scanning I saw her!! Wow, she gets even more beautiful each day! I gave her a smile but she looked away from me.

Stalker Romance(Goth Peter x Reader) Highschool AUWhere stories live. Discover now