Chapter 7

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Ugh fuck, it's already morning. Really don't feel like going to school with a fucked up lip, and my cheek is slightly bruised too. I dig around in my room to pull out a black face mask to cover my mouth, just have to deal with it for a while till it heals.

I heard a knock at my door.

"Come in."

My Aunt Adria peeked her head through the door.

"Hey hun, just letting you know that your sisters are with the sitter since I won't be home till late. Were you still going to apply at the diner near the school?"

"Yeah, why not. I need help with money."

"Oh, honey..I make enough money already, I don't need anymore."

"Still. Is just as a thank you for taking care of me and my sister and having to deal with my teen drama shit. You make a really good mom."

She chuckled under her breath and gave me a peak kiss on the head.

"Stay safe, and I'll see you around 10!"

I'm so glad she was the person to look after me and my sisters, couldn't ask for anyone better. After getting all my stuff together, I made my way to school.

I only walked a few steps out of my house and the sound of a loud motorcycle stopped me in my tracks. I look over and see a man with a biker helmet, not being able to see his face. That black bike makes him look so hot. He then pulled his helmet halfway up only to reveal Peter's face.

"What the!? You have a bike!?"

"Haha yeah, you like it?"

"Haha yeah, you like it?"

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(^^Peter's bike)

"If you think this will work with me not being angry at you then you're wrong."

He threw a second biker helmet at me, it seemed to be exactly my size! I had to admit it was just my taste. It's cute with a little hint of cool.

 It's cute with a little hint of cool

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(your helmet) 

"So? Do you want to be late for school or something?"

"Ugh fine! Just one ride! Just because the ice is melting and I don't want my shoes to get wet!"

Stalker Romance(Goth Peter x Reader) Highschool AUWhere stories live. Discover now