Chapter 19

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Peter POV

I decided to head to Y/N's house to see if she was awake because I hated being away from her for so long. Once I got to her house, I knocked at the front door and waited. And Y/N's two sisters open the door.


They both tackled me and nearly knocked me down, I gently hugged them back.

"Hey girls, nice to see you too. Is your sister up?"

"No. Lazy bones. It's lunch time and she's still asleep!"

Huh. Still...?

"But you can feel free to come in and help us eat our huge lunch, we just ordered Chinese."

I look up and see Y/N's Aunt, I smile and agree to come in and eat. I go inside and sit on the dining table as Adria makes me a plate of food. I always appreciated her kindness, Y/N, and her sisters are really lucky to have her.

"So Peter. What's your plan with Y/N? Is this serious?"

"It's extremely serious with me, she's my first crush and girlfriend. And I'm glad she is. And I'm hoping it's serious for her too. I truly do love her."

Adria smiled and ruffled up my hair.

"You seem to make Y/N so happy. The way she looks at you is amazing. She's definitely serious about you."

I let out a little chuckle and started to eat. I'm so happy she thinks that Y/N is serious, I basically have her blessing to marry her now!! I hear footsteps coming from the stairs and I see Y/N half asleep, her hair is basically standing on its own and her eyeliner is smeared all over. Wow, she's even more beautiful.


I sat up from my bed and yawned, that was a good sleep. I got my phone and saw a text from Peter. Oh my gosh! It's 12 pm?! I hope Peter understands why I slept in but for now, I smell something super good. Just in time because I'm very hungry.

I went down the stairs half asleep and didn't even bother to clean myself up before going downstairs. As the downstairs came into view, I saw my aunt and sisters eating and...Peter?! Oh gosh! What is he doing here?! I look like a mess.

"Good morning darling."

I stood there for a bit to make sure I wasn't still dreaming but nope! He's actually here.


I ran up the stairs and slammed my bedroom door. Once I was in my room, I ran into my bathroom and tried to clean myself up. Ugh! That's so embarrassing! I probably grossed him out!  

I quickly brush my hair clean off my makeup and brush my teeth to get rid of my morning breath. Fuck, so embarrassing! Why did Aunt Adria have to let him in the house? Suddenly I hear a knock on my bathroom door.

"Hello?~ Is my pretty girl there?"

"No! I bet I looked so gross."

"Believe it or not. It just made me fall more in love with you."

I slowly open the door halfway and look at him.


He smiles and nods. 

I chuckle under my breath and kiss his cheek.

"I love you, Peter King."

"I love you too, Y/N L/N."

Peter grabs my face and places a kiss all over my face, I can't help but giggle.

"Peter! Stop! It tickles!"

Stalker Romance(Goth Peter x Reader) Highschool AUWhere stories live. Discover now