A Baby Found

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The EMT's found a newborn baby in the homeless shelter. I have just adopted Mia and we have our hands full with three adopted children. Carrick would say yes, but our schedules are very busy and we have just enough time for the three we have now. The tiny baby is beautiful and she is less than a day old. She weighed 4 pounds and one ounce and is 16 inches long. Her apgar score was good considering how she was found. Apparently she was left inside a cardboard box just big enough to hold her inside it. The cops are trying to find out who left her inside the homeless shelter. Being a pediatric surgeon I was on call and they wanted me to come look at this baby. We gave her a temporary name Anastasia Rose Steele. Anastasia for the princess and Rose because of her rosy cheeks and Steele for a doctor who passed away of cancer recently.

I knew Grace wanted to adopt the foundling, but we have too much on our plate already with just adopting our third child. The baby is beautiful and no doubt she will be adopted soon. They gave her a name of Anastasia Rose Steele. It was a collaborative effort and the fact she survived they gave her the doctors last name that worked up until he passed away of cancer, Raymond Steele. Grace showed me photos of the baby with all the staff around her.

Caren Stemple
I am getting a newborn today because I am the only one who has room. Her name is Anastasia Steele, she was left at a homeless shelter. I normally don't take babies because I have older children in my care and they take a lot of work. I have been told it will be a temporary solution. I look at the baby and I am dumbfounded by the resemblance to one of my foster daughters that left one day for another foster home. Carla Wilkes disappeared not long after she was sent to the new foster home. I can't know for sure if it is her child, but she sure looks a lot like the photo I have of Carla. The caseworker that was on Carla's case disappeared as well. No one knows what happened to either of them. She was 14 when they placed her somewhere else. Anastasia was with me for about a month and was placed in a new foster home.

Years of going to Christmas events for the kids of less fortunate circumstances I have met the Grey family and saw a lot of children and teens and this year is no different. I saw a toddler that looked like Anastasia who was hiding behind her foster mom. No one could get near her. It made me sad to see her that scared of people.

We have had the children with us and the boys have helped pass the gifts out to the children that had nothing. They are seven and nine years old and they know they are getting presents on Christmas Day and a nice meal, unlike these children who don't have much and don't have family. We meet everyone, but there are so many people it is hard to know who is who. Mia was trying to play with the other toddlers. She tried to play with the little toddler that was scared of everyone to no avail.

Mia has been trying to make friends with the other toddlers. One little girl is too shy to play with anyone. She's hiding behind her foster mother. The foster mother said she had been abused by a foster child in a previous home. It took a while for her to trust anyone after that. We spoke about the situation and she thinks she might have to get her to see a psychologist. The doll we gave the toddler was almost as big as she is. I think she is the baby that was left at the homeless shelter and we named her at the hospital. All the gifts are passed out and meals were served along with sweets. We also had other gifts. Elliott and Christian got along with several of the male foster children. There were other couples that were joining in on the gift donations. A few couples tried to ingratiate themselves into our lives.

Nina Alford
Anna wouldn't play with the other children because of what happened to her. A few moments she came out and soon she hid again. I think one of the abusers were at the party. So I kept her close to me. They want to transfer her to a family soon, but I think it is too soon to do that yet. It is not my choice though. They think she is becoming to attached to me and too dependent on me and she needs to start playing with other children.

I see Anastasia and she's in worse shape now than she was when I had her. Those blue eyes are hard to forget. Something has happened to her to make her this skittish around others. I know she has been with three foster homes since she was born. It is sad to see her so vulnerable and scared.

Ben Walsh
I watch Nina very closely and Sherry is as well, we definitely don't want to get close to Anastasia because she would definitely react to seeing either of us.

Sherry Walsh
I can't believe I am standing here looking at Anastasia hiding behind Nina. There's no doubt one of our foster kids hurt her. He has been removed from our home finally. I am glad that he was removed, we had no idea he was hurting the other foster children. We do now. He and his sidekick Elizabeth Morgan were able to make the other foster kids scared of them from day one. Ben caught them in action and we recommended the two be separated and placed in different homes.

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