A Stanger Among Us

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Something just seems off about all this and I don't know what it is. Christian has told Carrick and I that he never had sex with Leila and how he came up as the father of the twins is strange. I look at the lab results and they definitely say he is the father by 88.1 % but it's an odd number. Normally it would be over 90 some percentage. We had it ran again because it was considered inconclusive. It was enough to get the birth certificates in Christian's name. I have started seeing a man who looks like Christian and I know it's not him. I pointed him out to security at the hospital. They went through videos and he arrived not long after the twins were born and he was around the lab and the nursery. They babies have a home, but they might not be our grandchildren. I decide to have the DNA and genetics testing done and a more extensive test.

Emerson Walker
I am watching and waiting to get hold of the twins and sell them to the couples who are waiting for them. Leila hid from me and I started checking for her at Grey's penthouse. The man could be my twin brother. He might just be. My mom died of a drug overdose and my father sold me to child molesters. I recall having other family members. I got passed around and ended up with the Lincoln's and finally I was placed in a foster care family. The therapy I went through was a real joke. I was glad to hear the Lincoln's died horrible deaths. Leila and I were victims of the Lincoln's. Leila came up with a plan that she was sure would work. She noticed that I looked like Christian Grey and we could get money from him if we were to get her pregnant while she was dating him. After he ended things with her after she informed him of her pregnancy and he told her that there was no way he was the father. So that ended that, she failed to tell me that she hadn't had sex with him yet. So I was pretty mad, but I decided to fix the DNA results. Leila fought me on this and I started reminding her that I was in charge of this. I hit her so hard that she passed out. I left thinking she had no place to go. I was very wrong Grey got her to the hospital and she had to have emergency surgery and the boys were healthy but she died from the injuries that I was responsible for. They have been trying to find out who injured her and caused her imminent death. I can't get near the boys and the couples are waiting for them. I made sure CPS couldn't get the boys. Little did I know it would be harder to get them from Grey. I went in and made changes in the hospital systems on the DNA tests and they were all inconclusive so they ran the tests again. This time Grey got a 99.9 percent thanks to my computer skills. I barely got out of the lab and nearly got caught. I used my sample and knew the results. Now that I have the correct results I leave my name on the results. Dr Grey spotted me and I disappeared from her sight very quickly. I hope she didn't notice me coming from the lab or the computer room.

Grace has been seeing a man who looks a lot like Christian and he disappears into thin air and she has no idea where he has went to or been. We had the DNA test re ran and it is still an odd percentage. It seems that the computers had a glitch and all the DNA tests were similar. Things are happening and an attorney contacted me regarding the twins and they have a paternity claim from their client who states he is the father of the twins and can prove it. We have had them for a month. I am betting that his client was the one who was beating her regularly.

I can't believe that someone has came forward stating he is the twins father and wants them. He waited a month to come forward. The police want to have a chat with him. Unless there is evidence he was beating Leila there is nothing that can be done to him. He can take the boys legally. All of us have became attached and something tells me he has an ulterior motive. Dad is the one they contacted since he was the one who prevented the CPS from stepping in along with mom. Alex Jameson is a bottom feeder according to dad he plays dirty. Dad says he doesn't do anything without knowing it will have a lucrative outcome. Emerson Walker chose well.

Alex Jameson
I looked over the evidence that Walker brought in to me, but I want my own tests run. Miss Williams is buried but we can get her DNA tested and test walkers DNA as well at a highly secure laboratory. I can't trust this guy, first he waited a month to talk to me regarding these twins. He knew who had them and he knew their mother died. I am thinking all kinds of things about him and I found out more regarding the death of miss Williams. I also found out that she ran to mr Grey after being on the streets for a week or so. She died from massive blood loss due to internal injuries. Her labor caused the injuries to cause further damage as the contractions got worse.

Christian is going through a very difficult time yet again because of Leila Williams. Now someone has came forward saying he is the real father and he wants his boys back now. The boys have been with the Grey family for more than a month. It will take time to get a court date and during that time Christian will have the boys. I love the boys, but I feel that this other guy is the real father. We spend a lot of time together. We are attending two weddings soon. Barney and Mia and Gia and Elliott's wedding. Those will be happy occasions. It's going to be a sad day when Christian has to hand over the boys. I think the real father is a piece of work. Something has been bothering me regarding his waiting so long and he wasn't trying to find Leila at all.

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