Evidence Discovered

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Detective Clark
I have found out there was major evidence that pointed to Elena and Richard Lincoln having killed Jack Hyde and Elizabeth Morgan. We had thought that the Lincoln's had been killed in prison, but it turns out they weren't dead at all. Someone helped them fake their deaths and autopsies. We can rule miss Kavanagh out completely.

We can't even get our estate back at this point. We are lucky enough to have money hidden away just in case. Richard hid money and so did I, we also hid other things. Richard and I both found out about Jack Hyde and Elizabeth Megan blackmailing us, robbing us along with sending hard evidence on us. We made sure they paid for their actions. We found someone who helped us get out of prison. Of course a large sum of money exchanged hands. We found both Jack Hyde and Elizabeth Morgan and handled them both.

We didn't take long to kill our blackmailers. We made sure it looked like an accident. We got out of town very quickly after we went after our cash and passports. We hid everything under our old house and we got to it very quickly because we needed to get to it. We grabbed the old car that we had hidden in an abandoned garage and soon headed out on the road. We couldn't really do anything extra and we couldn't take back what they extorted from us so we decided to end their lives in a hurry.

I get a call from detective Clark telling me that they know that I did not kill Jack Hyde or Elizabeth Morgan. It was made to look like an accident but they discovered that the Lincoln's were still alive and could have easily killed them. They are trying to find out where the Lincoln's are at. I am not sure why he called me about this because it's not my business and the house they left me is now a prime piece of real estate. I had the dungeon's taken out and someone paid me a premium price for them. I put that money into a high yield savings plan. I think that detective Clark is wanting to ask me out. He is single and nice looking and smart. Jose and I have both agreed to dating other people and to make sure we are using safety precautions and get medically tested. I have a bad feeling the money for this company was not obtained legally. Both were foster children who had no family with that kind of money. How did they get that kind of money? Detective Clark told me a few things about Jack Hyde and Elizabeth that I would have found out anyway, but he thought it would be best to give me a heads up.

We are still in Seattle trying to get things done so we can get on a flight out of the country. Elena has been a huge pain in the ass. She can't get it through her head that we can't take Kate Kavanagh hostage and force her to give us everything she got from Jack Hyde and Elizabeth Morgan. We can't get near her because she's being followed by UC and we don't want to get caught. We don't know if they are real cops or bodyguards. I think they are both. I finally got Elena to dress less provocatively and to fit in to regular people. The one thing I can't get her to stop is her fondness with teen boys. We have been behind bars for a while and could use the release, but it is very risky for us both.

I finally found a young boy to handle my needs and I had to back off because his mother got very suspicious of me. So I had to keep a low profile and it's hard for me to do that. I had to change my whole demeanor and leave boys alone. I lost all my jewelry in the robbery of our home. We reported the break in, but we tried to say we were framed and it failed. We are just going through the gates to the airfield and now we are leaving the country. We start our journey on a private jet and two pieces of luggage. We start taxiing to take off and the plane has turned back around and we are told to stay seated until the plane is searched along with luggage and passengers. We are taken off the flight along with our luggage and the plane is allowed to take off. We are taken back to prison. We are also being tried for Jack and Elizabeth's murders. Detective Clark finally caught up with us.

I wanted to leave long before now, but no Elena had to try to get her things back. We have a lot of enemies in prison, we owe money we no longer have and these people didn't like us to begin with, but the helped us for the money and jewelry that was waiting on us when we got out. The police have it locked up and we can't gain access to any of it. It is going to the victims and their families. We couldn't get what Jack and Elizabeth took either. They used everything they took from us to make their lives better. We broke into their homes and absolutely nothing was there. Not even a deed, a title, any cash, any accounts, any jewelry and no way to find out where they hid anything of value.

It only takes three days for the others to know I can't pay them for their help getting us out. Elena has already met a horrible death. I am next. No one will ever know who took our lives, no one will ever tell anyone who did what, but they will know that they need to forget what they ever saw.

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