Women Coming Out Of The Woodwork

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Since the articles on Christian and I being two of the newest and young eligible billionaire bachelors. Women are trying to meet us everywhere we go. They will approach our tables and some actually sit down and order food. Christian has already hired security personnel and they have been following all of us and Mia is being driven because she still can't defend herself. She has two guards one who is female. There are coverts as well. Apparently we are all getting kidnapping and death threats. Along with packages having to be scanned and X-rayed before they are allowed into the GEH facility. They have a building reinforced just in case and equipment to assure all the employees that are assigned those duties stay as safe as they possibly can be.

Barney and Anastasia came up with some interesting ideas on how to handle mail and packages before they arrive into the main GEH offices. It was also an idea that Elliott and Jason Taylor my new head of security and Arthur Welch. They found some engineers that worked in black ops teams that went in and built indestructible buildings that can withstand almost any attacks inside and out. We had special permits to build them they were similar to bomb shelters. We were getting letters from women of all ages and sizes sending us things we just didn't want. Our bodyguards had to keep women away from us when we were out in public. They even tried going through Mia, mom and dad to get our attention. Mom basically told them that she wasn't her children's matchmakers. A few had to have restraining orders against them. One had to be placed in a mental institution to get help.

I can't believe I have been targeted by women who think I am seeing Christian or Elliott and they demanded that I stop trying to take their men from them. I guess they saw me with the Grey family at various events and they wanted me gone. I just laugh at them and they think that I'm am intimidated by them until I fight back or my bodyguard arrives and reminds them that the Grey family will know what they have been doing and would definitely make sure they pay for their actions. They were reminded that the Grey family could end their careers and their families careers as well. Most people don't equate me to owning anything at all. I didn't need to fight them or pull my gun out and scare them off. Theresa Prescott saw them watching me head to the restroom and she made sure I was okay. I had no idea that she was hired to watch after me until she came to my rescue against four very jealous gold diggers.

Theresa Prescott
Miss Steele is pretty brave but she can't take on four females that tower over her. So once I saw them get up and head to the same restroom I made sure to arrive just in time to stop them from doing whatever they were planning on doing. One had her pushed against the wall telling her to leave the Grey family alone. The other three were watching and waiting for their turn. I reminded them that I could give their names and descriptions to the Greys and they and their family members would pay for their actions in the restroom. They turned loose of Miss Steele and we are left to take care of our personal business. We head back and I look up information on the women who threatened Miss Steele. I send the information to mr Grey and soon all the women's phones are ringing and they turn white as a ghost. They got the message very loud and clear.

Leila Williams
I can't afford to lose my job and neither can my parents. So I have to back off for now. I notice Lily Johnson has the same look on her face.

Lily Johnson
I can't believe they think they have that much power over us. They really can't do anything like they say they can. My parents do a lot of business with Christian and Elliott and I think they wouldn't stop just because of a misunderstanding.

Elizabeth Morgan
I am waiting for Jack Hyde to arrive because he wants to set up a new publishing company, he thinks we can get it setup for a song. I am sitting watching and I notice that the Grey table has a woman the looks familiar to me from someplace. Those blue eyes and brown hair look very similar to the toddler that Jack and I hurt years ago when we were in foster care.

Jack Hyde
I notice Elizabeth staring at the small woman sitting at the Grey table. I get her attention as I pull out my chair and she looks at me. I ask who is the brunette is looking at and she tells me she thinks the woman is the girl we we hurt in foster care when she was a toddler. I take a good long look at her and it looks like her and her eyes are just as blue as back then. She might not have been able to talk yet, but she sure got her point made and we were sent to another facility and no longer had foster parents due to what we did to her. They felt that we had been bullying other kids too much to place us with any other couples or families. So we ended up in facilities and we ended up being watched until we found a way out via the Lincoln's. We learned that we could escape from the facilities at any time. Elizabeth and I became partners of a type. We now have the opportunity to buy the publishing company cheaply. We put our money into a high yield portfolio and together we have the resources to buy out Seattle Independent Publishing company. The offer was made and the owner grabbed it with both hands.

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