GEM Left To Kate Kavanagh

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When the attorney called me regarding the will of Jack Hyde and Elizabeth Morgan after their bodies were found in the trunks of cars close by GEM. The cops have no idea who was behind the murders, but they were murders and they thought I might have had something to do with it, but I had no reason to do anything to them. Everything was left to me for some strange reason. All their assets were left to me. Including GEM. I had to hire an attorney to go with me to the police station. Everything finally got straightened out and they stopped harassing me. I am now enmeshed in running the publishing company by myself. I decided to hire someone to help me run the place. I check a few companies out and soon I find a CEO and COO. I need to learn how to run my own company.mi still don't understand why they left the place to me along with all their assets and personal property. They had no family at all apparently they were both foster children. I decided to expand the companies publishing into various other ways. We must include all types of content from now on. We were limited in what we could publish and now we aren't. I couldn't believe that Jack and Elizabeth didn't get on the bandwagon of the erotica, vampires, werewolves and bdsm stories that kept coming in after the trends were all out there and doing great. They lost several authors because they refused to publish stories about these things. Well that stops now and we reached out to our best authors and let them know we are now interested in seeing their newest works and if good we will discuss publication.

I start creating some very interesting book covers and jackets. I am working with a few models who are basically unknowns in the modeling world so I am getting them before they get the big bucks. I use them as much as I can. Kate is giving a few freedoms on my book covers so sometimes the models are posed and I use the poses to create a different image of them. Like a werewolf and you only see the real eyes and clothing. They can tell people they posed for the book covers all they want. I will verify they did pose for me, but GEM owns the photos and they can't have the originals. All photographers own their product and they can't be reproduced without permission or buying copies of them. It's written in the contracts. I have ten loyal models and other companies have tried to steal them., but I am good to my models and I give them references for other companies to use for their book covers. It is hard getting jobs that pay well and I want my people to make money from their hard work even if it is with other companies. Kate is on board with this, but Jack wasn't on board with it. He tried to make 5he models sign a non compete clause and they refused to. All models are aware of the fact they need to read all contracts. If they aren't I point out the obvious problem with a contract that makes them our exclusive model. They should never sign to agree to that unless they are making some serious cash to do it. We don't pay serious cash.

Eamon Kavanagh
I can't believe that Kate inherited everything from Jack Hyde and Elizabeth Morgan. Who leaves a near stranger everything in their wills? Something just doesn't add up. I was mad she quit working for me and took a number of good staff members with her. They weren't easy to replace at all. So far she has hired a CEO and a COO who have worked hard to get the company up to date and are working closely with Kate to also get the finances in order. The place is currently working hard to get back on their feet after Jack and Elizabeth screwed up and made changes that were just stupid. Now they are going strong and have some very good authors looking at what they are releasing now.

Enid Kavanagh
Kate sent me a few books from the new authors they signed. I couldn't stop reading the stories and told others about the new books worth reading. Sales started going up and the book stores ran out of the books very quickly. So I got lucky and my daughter gave me mine before they hit the market. I like this. It doesn't cost much for her to give me a book on occasion. Kate has taken her ownership of GEM seriously. She has two homes and her apartment, she has decided to sell her apartment and move into Elizabeth's home and sell Jack's home. After seeing his home I don't blame her at all. She donated all his clothing and sold the home with all the furnishings inside it. Jose Rodriquez sr bought it and he and his son moved in right away. I was hoping him and Jose jr would start dating but she is not ready to settle on any one man yet. Sadly neither of my children are seeing anyone seriously.

Mom is still trying to get me and Ethan married off and I am unwilling to date just anyone who looks my way. I want someone who has my same goals in mind. So far I am ahead of the game because I was left two estates after the deaths of my employers. I still don't understand why they left me the company and all their estates. Nothing was ever mentioned as to why they did it. I questioned it but was told not to look a gift horse in the mouth. So I found expensive jewelry in both Jack and Elizabeth's homes and lock boxes. I can't see Jack owning jewelry meant for women, but he has some nice pieces.

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