Not The Same Grey Family

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Sam Grey saw my name in the newspaper for an award I was given for my work with the poor. I was curious about him and met him and his wife Christine. We aren't related at all. But after seeing him and his wife I am wondering if they possibly are long lost relatives of Christian's biological parents. Because they look similar they did an ancestry background and DNA and they come from different countries and have no relatives at all. It is just a coincidence that they look similar. They ran DNA on the girls as well and the same thing came up. Of course the DNA proved that the girls were Christian's nieces. Emerson Walker was real busy creating babies. Who knows how many there are out there. They are devastated about having to give the girls to their biological mother.

We got an inconclusive report on both girls, so they sent us to a different lab with different tests and soon we were told that because there was an inconclusive on both tests they can say for sure that the twins are definitely mine. So I am going to have a problem getting the girls adoption overturned without a 99.8 % score and they definitely are going to fight for the girls. We can't make them stay in Seattle. The girls can't be taken from them. My parents are devastated and so am I. The attorney finally got more information on the babies that were born the day mine were. It turns out that there were three other sets of twin girls with the same birthdates adopted as well. One set looks like my mother. It turns out that the girls were the only two legitimate adoptions that the attorney had completed. They got another lead on another set of twin girls the same age and date of birth that are living in Seattle. I finally got the records unsealed for them and was able to get a court order for their DNA testing against me and Emerson. They look just like me. Sarah Olivia and Sandra Opal Henderson. What and how I found them was pure luck. Jack and Linda Henderson had been investigated by CPS and it came to the attention of my private investigator that the couple had adopted three other children and they should not have been allowed to. So I got the results and my daughters back in my custody. I was given custody of my daughters and they are overturning all the adoptions these monsters had gotten. Both are behind bars and they were the ones who forged their documents. It is one of the reasons why they could locate my daughters. The other children were indeed orphans because the couple had done away with their parents. The missing persons reports had not caught up to them until we started digging deeper. Their parents families were looking for the missing children and CPS found their families on an internet site for missing children.

The daughters of Hannah Davis were found in a CPS hearing and released after the DNA proved they were Hannah Davis's daughters. The other children were reported as missing after their parents were killed. The couple forged documents left and right to adopt these children. Investigators are still trying to find the adopted children from Emerson Walkers setup. I got interested in these cases and offered pro bono services to the families of these children who were taken from their mothers and families. We didn't discover the ones he had taken from their real parents. Emerson is bordering on insane. I know the Lincoln's were bad news but he didn't need to follow in some of their steps. We have no idea how many times the Lincoln's sold humans or tortured them. They discovered more and more as people came forward. People like these don't keep thorough records.

The Hendersons are behind bars and all the children are back with their families. The girls were traumatized and they will need to adjust to a safer environment and so will the other children. All this is horrible and I have my daughters back and the Grey family from New York have went back to New York, safe in the idea their adoption was legitimate. I got a lot of help through Carrick Grey's law firm and I am glad that I didn't give up. My daughters are safe and I am giving them all the love they deserve. A lot of people haven't been so lucky as to be able to get their families back. Kate has been kind about my schedule and allows me to work at home. They have a childcare facility for 24/7 but the girls aren't secure enough to be around children or adults they don't know yet.

I had to check over all the Henderson children along with a court ordered psychologist. They finally found the people guilty. Then they located the children's actual parents. Hannah Davis was the mother of the twins. All were abused mentally and physically, luckily not sexually yet. They were in the process of selling them to human traffickers who had other ideas of how to treat them. An undercover cop came upon the couple during a sting operation and was approached to buy certain products. When he saw the photos of the products. The sting got worse and urgent to acquire the children. It took two weeks before they finally got everything in place so they could get to the children directly. CPS stepped in after they got them.

I don't know how many children Emerson or Cameron fathered, but I know he was a very busy sperm donor. Who knows the final amount. One day we might find out for sure, but right now there are at least six. Mine and four others. Gail loves the boys, but with her pregnancy Anastasia and I have put her in the office running all the household staff. She was resistant at first, but now she loves barking orders at the new staff.

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