A New Delivery

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Gia and Elliott had a son and he arrived on the weekend when I was on call at the hospital. Elliott was very nervous, but Gia had already been through a birth so she knew what to expect. I am thrilled to have a new grandson. Now that they have a new son Teo is the big brother and he is the oldest of our grandsons. Gail is due any day now and she definitely has CEO qualities in running Christian's household staff all over the world from her office in their home on the sound. They had a huge place built and a home just for Gail and Jason Taylor n the property. Carrick's still offering help to the families of the victims of Emerson Walker to help find the missing children he sold. Christian is paying any expenses they incur.

Gia had a difficult birth this time as well. Little Elliott jr was born early morning and he was loud. So was Gia when she was in labor. I am very blessed with strong bones and hands because she hurt both of my hands, but didn't break the bones. Bruises were left on them both. Teo was waiting to meet his baby brother. He said he was going to teach him to play building blocks. He doesn't realize he can't do it immediately yet. He looked at him through the nursery window and we got photos of us standing outside looking at his brother. Christian and Anastasia brought their boys to see the baby as well.

I was so tired by the time Elliott jr finally arrived that I just wanted to sleep. Of course I had to deliver the placenta and they kept pushing my stomach hard to assure that everything was okay. It was like every fifteen minutes. Grrrrr I wanted to punch them but held back. Soon they brought Elliott jr in to be fed. I finally was able to sleep. Elliott learned how to change diapers quickly after his nephews arrived and then learned how to potty train Teo, so he knows how to handle things he thought. The first diaper change was hilarious because of the tar like poop. It was a huge mess but he got through it.

Elliott jr looks like both Gia and Teo. Anastasia is very busy with work and the boys and has not given thoughts to us having a baby as well. Mia is pretty busy as well, Barney is working hard on new projects for us. Our hands are full, but I think that Anastasia wants to have a baby too. We could easily have a baby without any problems. Emerson was hoping him being my twin brother would get him some leniency in his trials but it backfired on him big time. The judge said that he could have easily went and got therapy for his his issues but he chose to follow in bad people's footsteps and caused pain to so many others. He threw the book at him in all cases. He is still trying to work deals for information.

We are just thrilled that Elliott jr has arrived. Things have settled down on finding the children that Emerson sold off. I don't trust a word the man says about anything anymore. Too many wild goose chases for my taste. Definitely a number of the children were his, but he lied about the numbers and didn't give us the right information in hopes he could get time knocked off his sentence. Christian has been covering the costs for everything concerning finding the babies and the babies families and trying to help get them back together. We have found so many families and babies and helped put them back together as much as we could. Not everything is a simple fix. We went above and beyond for those who needed further assistance. Again Christian stepped in to assist us with those issues.

Christian has been trying to clean up the mess his brother created and it's causing him a lot of stress by being involved. So I stepped in and told him to have his dad hire staff to do the work and he could just pay for the necessary work and workers to solve the problems of getting the children back with their real families. After that he said he feels better about things and letting his money pay to get the children back with their real families is all that matters anyway. His brother is not allowed to contact us at all. I want to wait to have a baby because I think Christian needs to step back from the search of the children his brother sold. He finally rested and is enjoying the boys. They need his love and attention as much as mine. We finally had to find a way to get him to stop being involved without feeling guilty. He sees a therapist and now just pays for the people looking for the children his brother sold. His dad sends the bills to his CFO. The money comes out of his bank account directly. GEH sends a request and it is approved by Christian and that's it. The investigators are still finding children. I think that they have found out that others were working with Walker.

Mia and I have found that we are finally pregnant and she has hired someone to run her businesses for her while she watches everything via cameras and computer programs. She can figure out if she's being cheated by her staff because of a program I created to run all her individual businesses. She learned how to use it very quickly. We have seen Elliott jr and congratulated the parents and held him. I saw her light up as she held him. She had been carving for her nephews as well. She loves being around them. I think she wants a girl though.

I want a baby girl, but I want a healthy baby more. I had two miscarriages and they want me to step back from so much work now and I am doing it. I can work from my bed like they said. I also had Barney hire me a few assistants to assure everything goes well, so far so good. Holding Elliott jr was great and I can't wait.

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