The Consequences Of Selling Your Children

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I am looking at one of the women that came to get answers as to where her baby is? She found out that the baby was sold rather than died. She's demanding answers. How do I tell her that her twin girls were sold to people that turned around and resold them for four times what they paid me for them. I will never know where her girls are, even the investigator can't locate them. After she leaves I make a call.

Christine Grey
I take the call from the prison. I know it is Emerson of course. He has been getting visits from the mothers trying to get their babes back. This time it was the mother who found out that the twins death certificates were faked. Her twin girls are here in New York and they are healthy and happy. I should know I adopted them because they looked so much like me and my family. Of course I covered my tracks as well as I could, but no matter how well someone covers their tracks people find things out. I thought this was a legitimate adoption and now I know it wasn't. The attorney was legitimate, but the people who handed over the girls were being blackmailed. Everything fell apart six months ago. The attorney is trying to set everything straight and I am going to have to hand the girls over to miss Hannah Davis. I have no choice in the matter. My heart hurts. The babies are toddlers now. Emma Lynn and Ella Mae Grey we all love them very much. Samuel got attached to them even though he was resistant to adopting them because he felt something was off about how the adoption was handled. He was worried because we flew to Seattle to pick them up and our attorney had all the proper paperwork on his end, but there was a glitch in the Washington state birth certificates. They were resolved but Sam said that he still had this gut feeling about the whole deal. No legal and doctors fees should have been that much. Now we know the attorney was doing a lot of improper things. His license was pulled and he is behind bars as well. The courts are going through his documents now. He covered his tracks as to where the babies family is concerned. Sam has told me we need to do the right thing and although I don't want to lose my girls, I know how much pain their poor mother is in.

Sam Grey
Christine is crying and I can't blame her. She is packing our things to make the trip to Seattle to meet Hannah Davis. I ran a background check on her and she is an editor at GEM publishing company and has been there for years. She was there when it was SIP. She is a good person who made the mistake of dating Emerson Walker. Christian wants nothing to do with his brother. We brought all our documentation and were informed that they would be using them against Emerson Walker to try him for more crimes. We will take a hit on the money we paid out for the adoption and expenses, but it could have been worse. We were very careful 8n getting all the money documented and they hadn't charged a suspicious amount in fees and expenses. If they had we would have never went through with any of it. We couldn't get any of the money back because of the courts freezing all accounts of mr Walker and the attorney that helped with the false documentation.

Kate has asked me if I would like to write a book on my experience concerning Emerson Walker and my finally getting my twins back. Sadly they exhumed the bodies of twins from the gravesite my daughters were supposedly buried. It turns out that they died in childbirth because he didn't get the mother the necessary medical treatment for her. I escaped after they told me my daughters had died as well. I couldn't attend their funeral. It was a paupers funeral. I made sure Emerson knew that I would shoot his balls off if he came anywhere near me. I found out he sold my daughters after he was caught red handed by a detective Clark. I decided to talk to him because he knows Kate. Well they are married at this point. So I am waiting for my daughters to arrive at my door.

I help get the girls out of their car seats and we knock on the front door of a three story house. It looks well maintained and has a beautiful garden and front porch. It has a secure front gate that you can't get through without calling the resident. Sam knocks on the door and we are met by Hannah herself and she has three people with her. Mr and Mrs Davis and an attorney. We are led into a family room that is setup for toddlers to play in a well lighted and soft furniture to sit or lay on. Soft dolls and animals are around the play area. It has a gate that allows us to assure they stay in the area. Ella and Emma had to use potty so Hannah leads us to the bathroom setup just for potty training next to the family room. The girls loved it. I bring them back to the play area and secure the gate.

Emily Davis
The girls look like that criminal Emerson Walker. They also look like the couple who adopted them. These are still our grandchildren no matter what. We still have to do DNA testing though.

Carl Davis
I knew that Emerson was bad news the moment I met him. I was very right.

Attorney James Lucas
I start talking to the Grey's and I am a bit amused by the fact they have the same last name of the identical twin of Mr Walker. They also look like him in certain ways. The girls do as well. We need to get the DNA done before we talk about dissolving the adoption.

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