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noun ~ a reflective surface that typically shows a clear image


"Have you spoken to Charlie?" I asked Phoenix.

"I have." Phoenix mused, his chest rumbling with a laugh. "He is very excited to be an uncle."

"I can imagine he is." I muttered.

He squeezed my shoulder, his spare hand trailing through the dark waves of his daughter's hair. They rarely opened their eyes since they have been born, and when they have, they were so dark in colour, I couldn't tell what they would look like. Neither had much hair, but Freddy's lashes were blonde and Annabelle's were dark like her dad's.

"Why don't we just go to the pack house? You can get them all over with then and we can introduce them as part of the pack."

I shook my head immediately. "I can't do that to Charlie, or the others. They are my family, too."

"Okay then." He hummed. "I can invite the lot here tomorrow, and then when the twins are a week old we can introduce them to the entire pack.

"Okay." I agreed. "I think I can handle that."

"It's usually done sooner than this." He admitted. "But I didn't want to rush you, so only if you are sure."

"I am certain." I nodded, looking up into his eyes.

The hazel was bright, but the dark bags beneath his eyes were as heavy as mine. I smiled, leaning into kiss him softly. Warmth burnt at my gut and I pulled away to find his eyes again.

"I love you, you know." He smiled.

"You tell me all the time." I grinned.

"You are a great mother. I think I love you even more now than I ever did."

I raised an eyebrow. "So, you are saying you didn't love me as much before?"

His eyes widened. "No, no, I didn't mean it like that-

"It sounds like you did." I cocked my head. "You said you love me even more than you did, which means you didn't love me as much before we had the twins."

He cursed and I couldn't help but laugh at the panic in his eyes as he tried to come up with an excuse. I knew what he meant and was just enjoying him squirming. My agitation levels seemed to half since giving birth, and I found myself less stressed and more able to take jokes again.

"You're messing with me, aren't you?" He sighed, and I giggled. "This lack of sleep is killing me."

"At least I can proudly say I have a partner who helps me and not just leaves me to do it all myself."

"They're our kids." He tutted. "And there are two of them! Of course, I am going to help."

"You're a great Dad." I told him.

"You tell me all the time." He smirked, repeating my own words back to me.

"Well, you should believe it."

"I will believe it when the kids get through the first few years of their lives." He mused.

I laughed softly, jostling the twins slightly. Annabelle finished and moved away from me, her little hands stretching out of her blanket. Phoenix grumbled, reaching out to place his finger in her palm. She squeezed it tightly, pulling it with all her baby strength.

Phoenix laughed. "Look how strong she is."

He took her from me when I moved her to pull down my shirt, and I admired how gently he held her. His hands were so large that it constantly made me think how much damage he could do and yet, he caressed her like she was glass. She stirred, leaning into his touch.

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