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noun ~ casual or idle conversation or rumour about other people


"Polly!" I squealed. "It's so nice to hear from you!"

His soft laughter warmed my heart and settled my mind. "Well, I couldn't leave my sister hanging, could I?"

I was so happy he called! He had been gone for three mornings! Three! It was so hard not ringing him, but him ringing me definitely made my day!

"Oh, Polly! I have so much to tell you!" I squeaked.

"Oh, yeah? Anything juicy?"

"Uh! Just the juiciest thing of all!" I laughed.

Phoenix gave me a strange look as I rose from the sofa and entered the kitchen. I poured myself a glass of water, taking a large sip before inhaling deeply. Gossip around here spread like wildfire, and now Pollux was back in the loop.

"Charlie and Calida slept together!" I rushed, rooting through the fruit bowl.

Pollux gasped, a silence vibrating the line before he bellowed a laugh. "No fucking way!"

"Yes! Last night!" I grinned, gazing out of my kitchen window. "They had their date thing yesterday and skipped breakfast this morning. Charlie was supposed to be working with Phoenix, so Phe went to the pack house to find him. They were still in his room! He turned it into some kind of sanctuary!"

"You better get all the details." He groaned. "What a thing to do when I am not there to tease him about it."

I laughed, agreeing. "I know! Calida kept this so secret. The last I spoke to one of them was Charlie, and he said it was slow and steady. I wonder what changed..."

"You going to speak to him today?" Pollux wondered.

I nodded, even though he couldn't see me. "Phoenix is with him again for training, but I'm going to find Calida after lunch. She won't be far, I'm sure."

"You better ring me with those details," He warned.

"Of course! Also, Leo and Molly are friends again."

"That's good. Has he forgiven Phoenix?"

I eyed my mate from over my shoulder, finding him intensely watching me. I grinned, taking a bite from an apple.

"I think Leo has no choice." I mused.

Phoenix rolled his eyes, adjusting his position on the sofa so he was facing me more. I couldn't help but drop my eyes to the tightness of his t-shirt, admiring how it rippled with his movements and clung to his shoulders. His long, strong thighs spread so perfectly...


I blinked, shaking my head as Phoenix chuckled. "Polly?"

"Where'd you go?" My brother laughed. "Did you fall down a rabbit hole again, Alice?"

Tutting, I nibbled on the apple. "Maybe."

"Was it a Phoenix sized one?"

Grumbling, I ignored my teasing brother, and turned the tables on him. "How are you doing, anyway?"

"I'm okay." He chuckled at my topic change. "I'm near a human village down south."

"How far away from me?" I wondered.

"My phone says three hundred miles."

"Already?" I gasped. "Jeez, did you fly?"

"Let's just say I was not myself yesterday."

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